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She slowly opened her eyes and then blinked them a few times. She could smell him, his blue shirt was right in front of her carrying a clean, soupy scent. Her hair was being creased softly and it almost felt like wind. She moved her neck and looked up at him. He was already looking at her. With those dark, narrowed eyes he was staring at her. It seemed like he had been awake for quite a while now.

"Are you really awake this time?" He slowly smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Hmmm?" She mumbled, not wanted to talk but simply blinked her eyes at him.

His silent laugh vibrated her mind to putty as he said, "You woke up twice before. Stared at me and fell back to sleep."

Huh? She didn't really remember anything.

"What time will you be meeting June?" He asked watching her dazed look. His eyes danced in joy at her obvious staring.

"At noon. She will text me." Sara replied and rubbed her face into his chest. She felt Dean hug her closer to his chest and kiss her hair.

"What time would you be back?"

"Why do you care? Aren't you meeting your high school classmates?"

Dean pushed her from her chest and looked at her with raised eyebrow.

"What got you so grumpy about me meeting my friends?"

She bit her lip and looked away. When Dean told her, he was meeting his old classmates she didn't really think about it but then she remembered that this meeting would probably have girls. Girls Dean had probably messed around with and that just left a wrong feeling inside her. She didn't really care about what he had done but somehow it still made her very uncomfortable. She didn't want to show Dean that she was being a jealous moron but she couldn't help the bitterness in her voice.

"Will there be girls there?" She kicked her pride and demanded, suddenly feeling very awake. Who cares if he makes fun of her, she wanted to know if there were some clingy brats coming to touch her man?

When Dean didn't answer instantly she turned her eyes towards him and glared hard. Dean had a sheepish smile on his face and he was clearly avoiding to look at her. She put her hand on his thigh and pinched hard making him groan out in pain.

"I am asking you something!"

Dean slowly looked at her and cheekily replied, "Of course babe, there will be girls there."

Was that something to be cheeky about? Sara didn't think so!

"Oh, and how many of these girls have you messed around with?" She demanded. She didn't want to know how much of a brat she sounded like because she already felt lame enough to demand such ridiculous answers from him but she wasn't the type to hide things easily.

Dean suddenly looked confused and then he laughed, loudly. Pulling her to lay over him he looked at her with such joyous eyes that she wanted to nail them out of that stupidly adorable face. He cupped her face and answered, "I have never messed around with anyone from our high school. There were only couple of girls and none of them were even from this town."

She raised herself up in shock and stared at him with an open mouth. Did he think she was stupid? She had clearly heard seniors flaunt about how they had slept with him. Why is he lying but then she paused her thoughts? Dean didn't actually had any reason to lie to her and its not it mattered who he messed around with so why would he deny it? Did that mean it was all a lie?

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Dean asked, tucking her hair behind her ear and smiling.

Her heart skipped a beat.

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