Western Love Story

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*November ish*
Weeks went by and your classes were completely normal, word of who or more importantly what you are hadn't come out yet. You somehow managed to keep your focus on your classes instead of on the trial. It was Friday and you noticed that Remus was avoiding everyone. Finally you were in Transfiguration and got a chance to see what was up.
"You alright Remus?" He looked at you as if you should already know then it hit you. "Oh shit, it's a fu-"
"SHH! Someone can hear you..." You turned around, James and Sirius were making paper airplanes and Peter was trying to pay attention. They were the only people nearby.
"Ok well they aren't listening. Do you think there would be any way for me to help you?" Remus went back to writing notes then slowly shook his head no.
"Y/n, I don't need emotional support on this. I've been dealing with this for years."
"You still suffer from it, you've been ignoring everyone all day."
"You did the same thing the past few years anytime you got an owl...you have to understand that I'm trying to not make anyone suspicious." You dropped your quill and turned to him.
"Who cares, as long as people know the real you then who FUCKING CARES!"
"Druid language! 10 points from hufflepuff." You lowered your head and banged it on the desk.
"I'll just drop it Remus...you obviously don't want help."
Remus rolled his eyes and it seemed he was biting his tongue back, "Look Sirius, Peter, and James already help out. They found out I'm a werewolf and figured out how to help."
"So let me do what they-"
"No y/n, just no." You slumped back into your chair and stopped focusing on the lesson.

During dinner your eyes wandered to the Gryffindor table and Sirius, James, and Peter were getting up and leaving. Remus was already gone, the moon was out. You looked around then quietly got up and followed them. You stood a few feet back and groaned when they went into their common room. You were about to leave but the painting swung open and no one was there. You smiled, the invisibility cloak. You stayed quiet and listened to their footsteps and followed. The shuffling of their feet quickened to a run and once outside James came out from the invisibility cloak and was now a, Stag? Your mouth stood open as you slowly walked down the steps. Your body was then quickly pulled under the cloak and you were face to face with Sirius and a rat on his shoulder?
"Mischief managed," A map Sirius was holding turned blank and he put it into his pocket. "James wanted us to try to lose your track but he saw Snivellus walking to the whomping willow and decided to focus on that instead. Stay here." Sirius stepped out of the cloak then turned into a black dog and rang down to the tree. You sat on the bottom step and watched feeling stupid, why didn't you think of that. Severus then came running over and up the steps followed by the Stag that turned back into James.
"Sniv- I mean Snape come on...Y/N! Give me my cloak." James slightly hissed at you so you pulled it off and threw it at him.
"What was going on with Sev?"
James looked as if he was scared to tell you, "Padfoot he...Snape was trying to figure out where Remus went every so often and Sirius told him how to stop the whomping willow and enter it. Sirius thought it would be funny but Remus could've killed him."
You looked over at the black dog that was staring at you, "YOU BLOODY IDIOT!" You started to run at him with your wand out but James grabbed your arm. You then took a deep breath, pulled James away and went back inside to try to find Severus. That wasn't hard, once you took a few steps into the school Severus was right there waiting.
"I heard James say your name and you were under an invisibility cloak...he's a werewolf and they're all animagus's..." He was ghostly white and slightly shaking.
"Did Remus get you, are you alright?"
"Yeah...those monsters, trying to get me killed!" You held his hands and held back tears.
"Don't blame Remus and don't tell anyone what they are...for me Sev." He finally looked you in the eyes and nodded. You then held him close and tears flowed down. "I almost lost you, I-I don't know what I would've done..." Severus then put a hand on the back of your head and stroked your hair.
"I know...I felt that way that night, I almost lost you for good..." You rested your head on his chest before moving away and walking down the corridor with him. "I know, Y/n you...you love Remus don't you."
You kept walking beside him and crossed your arms as if you were cold, "Maybe, I mean I think I do..." You looked up at Severus trying not to blurt out you loved him more.
He nodded and smiled, "You should just confess, he likes you back." He chuckled, "Look at us fallin for Gryfindors." You smiled and forced a little laugh.
"Yup, I think Lily will end up with James however...I mean have you seen how they look at each other."
"She hates him Y/n." He kept his head down and headed off to his common room without saying bye. You smacked yourself in the face.
"Bloody idiot..."  

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