Do They Swear? (Possibly Controversial)

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Player: Like a sailor, especially when he's mad. His favorite swear word is fuck.
Veteran: Yeah, but usually when he's with friends or gets mad at his video games.
Captain: Has never said a swear word in his life. I really don't see him swearing.
TheGentleman: Called a guy a bastard once and it was hilarious for the rest of the crew.
Mr. Cheese: When he feels like it. Probably also called someone *cough*Mr. Egg *cough* a bastard.
Mother: Not in front of the kids. Will go apeshit if someone swears in front of Timmy and Franklin.
Stoner: Yes, quite a lot, actually, but in a chill sort of way.
Engineer: Only when he's really, really frustrated.
Gnome:  Has sworn but doesn't do it a lot.
Bday:  Nope.
Rose:  Nada.
Dum:  On occasion.
Bro: All the time.
Noob: No, and she doesn't like it when others swear.
Mr. Egg: Hasn't sworn and doesn't want to.
Cub:  Maybe in their head.
Poopyfarts96: Has probably sworn in fart language.
Sheriff: Has definitely called someone a swear word.
Angel: Swore once and never did it again.
Ria: Yep.
Ninja: Only in Japanese.
Goober:  Mostly just calls people stupid without swearing.  Will say the occasional dumbass from time to time.

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