I have yet another idea for a story

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Yes, I have another idea, but I probably won't write it because I'm writing other stuff and I'm lazy.

Ok, so this is the synopsis.

Everyone from AUL is a kid.  Like, 6-8 years old or so.

Ok? They're also all going to the same place for therapy.

Because they all have different stuff like ADHD, autism, etc.

The story switches POVs, but it starts out being from Mr. Cheese's POV.  Why?  Because I really want to write him and I feel like he'd be perfect to start with.

First, he goes to get tested for autism because his parents suspect that he has it.  A few weeks later, the tests show that Mr. Cheese is, in fact, on the spectrum, and so his parents sign him up for therapy.

On his first day, he meets Happy, who has ADHD and autism.  They instantly connect and become friends, which makes his Mr. Cheese's mom happy for him.

Mr. Cheese starts off in one-on-one therapy, then his mom signs him up for group therapy with kids that have similar disorders as him.  Happy also happens to be there, along with Player, Veteran, Captain, and others.

After that, the POVs would switch around to different characters and would fluctuate. They'd just talk about their experiences with therapy and their lives outside of that.

Also would include a bunch of headcanons I have for these characters!

This actually sounds really fun to write...I might actually.

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