Depression (Gentlecheese)(Angst/Fluff)

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So this is the 69th chapter. Nice.

Anyways, so this will take place outside of the game, much like TheGentleman Goes to McDonald's did.

Also, this was requested by FrenchieWrites . I hope this is what you were hoping for!

Also also, I feel bad for not getting this out sooner.  Lack of motivation sucks.

The story takes place where TheGentleman and Mr. Cheese live together.  The time is 5:00 pm. TheGentleman is suffering from depression, and Mr. Cheese tries to comfort him.

TheGentleman's POV
Today has been absolutely the worst.  I don't have an explanation why, it just is.  Maybe it's the weather or the fact that I haven't been outside since the stock market crash of 1929.  Maybe there is no reason and I'm just sad. That happens to me quite a lot, and it has for a long time.

I was diagnosed with depression in my early teens, and it makes a lot of sense. It explains my moodiness, the urge to sit and do nothing, feeling hopeless, etc. My father was no help, either. He always told me to suck it up, so I always did until I was alone.

Being alone was the best because I could express my deepest emotions and no one would find out.  However, when I was alone for too long, my father would notice and check on me.  When I would cry, he'd force me to tell him what was the matter, even when I was unsure.  When I'd tell him that, though, he wouldn't believe me and would continue to force, saying things like, "I won't leave until you tell me what's wrong." That was never a fun experience.

I don't know why I'm explaining my backstory, I guess it just feels right to.  I guess he contributed to a lot of my depression and stress in general.  But now that he's out of my life, all of these emotions and mental disorders are still here.  Why?  What's up with that?  Why must I continue to suffer?

Maybe I'm looking too deeply into this.  I should stop ridiculing myself for having emotions and just let myself have them.  That's what Mr. Cheese always tells me to do, anyway.  God, I love Mr. Cheese so much, but I haven't been great at showing it, and I feel guilty about it.  I just really don't want him to have to see me like this, so often times I'll just tell him to leave me alone.

(Christ, my writing is god awful)

Mr. Cheese's POV
TheGentleman hasn't left his room this entire day, and it's worrying me.  He's not normally like this; normally he stays in his office to do his work, but today he hasn't done anything.  I should check on him.  Wait, no.  Last time something like this happened, he just pushed me away.  Maybe this time will be different!  Let's see.

I knock on TheGentleman's door.

"Beanie boy?"

"Can I come in, TheGentleman?"

He doesn't answer for a while .



"Can I come in?"

"Of course, Beanie boy!"

Well, that's a shock!

I walk in, and TheGentleman looks terrible.

Look, I know it's not the nicest thing to say, but it's true!  I mean, he always looks handsome and cute, but he just looks so sad.  It makes me want to go and comfort him.

"What's the matter, Sweet Prince?" I ask, stroking his hair under his hats.

He turns away, unready to answer.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.  I'll just be here to comfort you if you need."

"I'll be honest with you, Mr. Cheese.  I don't know why I'm like this right now."

"It's ok, TheGentleman.  There doesn't have to be a reason."

"Thank you, Mr. Cheese.  You're a lot different from my father."

"Ok, not gonna lie, babe, that was really random."


He looks down, and I put my hand on his shoulder.

"You might have built up trauma? Maybe you need to vent."


"I mean, you don't have to-"

He proceeds to tell me his entire backstory, which is a bit much, but if that's how he wants to cope, I shouldn't be one to judge.

"Is there anything you want me to do?"

"Just stay here with me. I don't want to be alone when I know I could be spending time with you."

"You've never been this way before with me, my sweet prince."

"I know, beanie boy.  I guess I should allow myself to be more vulnerable with you, as you've been with me."

"Yeah, that'll help our relationship become stronger!  I mean, not that it's not already strong."

I press a kiss onto his forehead.

"Will this help my prince feel better?"

"Anything you do helps me to feel better, my cheesy prince."

I wrap my arms around him to try and keep him calm. I mean, it helps me to feel better when I'm down. I've had to deal with depression, too, and it's not a fun experience. Do you know how it fels to? pretend to be cheery all the time? Yeah, sucks.

"Hey TheGentleman, do you just want to stay in here and cuddle?  I don't know, it helps me when I'm depressed.  I'm not sure about you, but-"

"That would be lovely, my dear."

I snuggle up to my sweet prince as he pulls me in close.  I attempt to comfort him with a peck on his cheek, and he turns to me and kisses me on the lips.

"Thank you for everything, Mr. Cheese."

"Anything for my bf."

"I...I love you, Mr. Cheese."

Wait, am I hearing him right? He doesn't say that a lot unless I'm the first one to say it.

"I love you, too, babe."

From then, we just hold each other close until we fall asleep.

I just hope I can continue to support TheGentleman during his hard times.

Welp, yeah. This now exists.

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