I have an idea for a story

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Ok so like...

It'll be like a return of No-Visor.


So like...No-Visor comes back and curses someone.

Obviously it won't be Player because he defeated him.

So now that Player defeated No-Visor, No-Visor comes back, becomes bored, and wants to curse someone else.  Someone who deserved karma from the "Monster" that they've become.

Look, I know that No-Visor is canonically no longer, but what if he came back?

He's not gonna curse Player again, though.

Instead, he would curse...


Wait for it...


Dun dun dun...


Take your guesses now...


Ok. This is getting annoying, I'll stop.

Anyways, he would curse Blue.

Why Blue?

Well, because I'm already writing a story centering him.

Also because of the way his character changes throughout the story.

Ok, so now we're gonna get to a main part of the plot.

So Blue all of a sudden starts to lose every game of Among Us he plays, and little does he know that he's been cursed. Not Orange then tells him about the legend of No-Visor, and Blue doesn't believe it, saying that No-Visor isn't real, even though Not Orange tries convincing him that he is. Blue thinks it's just Not Orange tomfoolery until one night, he encounters the ghost himself while he's playing Among Us. He gets scared for a bit, and then finds out that he is, indeed cursed. He then tries to find ways to get No-Visor to reverse the curse, and No-Visor provides only one way to reverse it: to sell his soul to him. Blue agrees to the exchange, selling his soul to No-Visor and being blessed with extreme luck in Among Us. He kind of misses his visor, but overall, everything is great...

...until one day, Not Orange notices that Blue has been acting really weird. He tries to figure out what the hell's going on, and he finds everything out when Blue's fake visor falls off of his face one day, revealing the empty void where Blue's soul once lived. 

What happens next could be something like...

A) Not Orange tries to talk to Blue about everything.  Long story short, it doesn't work, so Not Orange takes matters into his own hands and goes to No-Visor himself to try to save Blue.


B) Blue starts to notice how different he's become, so he tries to get help from someone who was once cursed by No-Visor: Player.  Player tries his best to help, and they try to find No-Visor again together.

Or maybe even a combination of both.

Yeah, I really don't know.  I could totally make art of this, though.

And that's the idea!  Hope y'all enjoyed that.

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