Player's First Win (Player x Captain)

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This is my first one of these on here so bear with me.  I might take requests at a later date.

⚠️I'll just go ahead and put a CW for depressive behaviors and an implied panic attack.  This is just in case these things make people uncomfortable.⚠️

Also, for the sake of the storyline, we're going to say that Dum and Captain aren't dating here, especially since I hate that ship with a burning passion.

Location:  The Skeld
Crewmates:  TheGentleman, Mr. Cheese, Gnome, Engineer, Mother, Veteran, Dum, Stoner
Impostors:  Player and Captain

Player's POV

"I'm so happy I could kiss you!" I exclaim on impulse, putting a hand over my mouth.

"What?" he asks me, and I cock my head away, embarrassed that I had just said that.

You might be wondering what lead me to saying that phrase.  Well, let me take you to where it all started...

Earlier that day...

Another day in this lobby, another day of losing.  It's like Innersloth is preventing me from winning the game somehow.  Either that or I really do suck as much as everyone else says.  Neither option is favorable.

"Heya, Player, ready for another game of Among Us?" Captain greets me at the lobby.  "Yeah, I guess," I reply reluctantly, sighing.  "Why the long face?" he asks.  Before I can answer, Mr. Cheese ruins everything.

"He's just sad because he'll never win!" the cheesehead exclaims.  "Honestly why don't you just rage quit already?  Everybody here knows that you suck, so just give it up!  You'll never win no matter how hard you try."

It's this moment when I get a craving for sliced cheese, despite my lactose intolerance.

"Shut up, Mr. Cheese," I growl at the orange character.

"HEY!" I hear TheGentleman's voice boom from the other side of the lobby. "Don't tell my beanie boy to shut up!"

"I don't know, man, it's, like, kinda hypocritical for you to tell him not to tell your boyfriend to shut up when you did that, like, aaaaaall the time," Stoner comments.

"Well, I feel bad about that now!" TheGentleman exclaims.  "Also, when did YOU get here?"  "I've been here, like, the whole time," the plant man replies calmly. "I've mostly just been sitting here thinking and coming up with theories, you know, the usual."

I know it isn't that big of a big deal, but I can't stop thinking of Mr. Cheese's words.  I've already been feeling like shit, and he just decides to waltz in and make things worse.  Maybe he's right, maybe I should just give up.  As I continue to think, something warm and wet streams down one side of my face, and then another.  Damn it, I'm crying, aren't I?

Just as I continue, my yellow best friend joins the lobby just to see me in this state.  Great, now he gets to see me like this, too!  That's just fantastic!

"Hey, dudes!" he exclaims.  "What's go- Player, dude, are you ok?  Do I need to kick someone's ass?  WHOSE ASS ARE WE KICKING?!"

"It's fine, Veteran," I reply coldly.  "I'll be fine, it's not that big of a deal anyways.  Just leave me alone."

"Ok, dude, whatever you need," he replies.  "I'll leave you be, but if you need someone's ass kicked-"  "I know, Veteran.  Thank you."  When I say those words, I see a white figure approach me.  God, I am NOT in the mood for this; I'm not in the mood to catch feelings right now.

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