Where the AUL Characters See Themselves at Age 50

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So this is actually chapter 50 of this.  Wow, I can't believe I've made it this far!  Now for this chapter, I'm going to pretend like I've interviewed the AUL characters and guess what their responses would be to the question "Where do you see yourself when you're 50?"  I know it's kind of a random question, but I'm trying.

Me:  Where do you see yourself when you're 50?

Player:  How am I supposed to know?

Veteran:  Being the greatest gamer to ever exist.

Captain:  Flying an airplane called Betsy. Why the name? I have no idea, I just thought it sounded cool!

TheGentleman:  Living in a mansion with my future husband, Mr. Cheese.  Also being extremely rich.

Mr. Cheese: Becoming the best impostor ever to exist in Among Us.  Actually, I'm already there! I guess...being with TheGentleman. I love TheGentleman!

Mother: Raising two teenagers who hopefully won't annoy the crap out of me!

Stoner:  Prison. Or dead, whichever comes first.

Engineer: Hacking into the Pentagon.

Gnome: Happily married to Engi!

Bday:  Working as a clown since I was 30 and wanting to quit every single day.

Rose: Being a wife to BDay and a mother to his children!

Dum: Still teasing my brother.

Bro: Having an alcohol and cocaine addiction.

Noob:  Heading down my desired career path!

Mr. Egg: Being someone's business associate, as I'm not very assertive.

Cub:  *Just nods*

Poopyfarts96:  *fart*

Sheriff:  Bein' the best sheriff anyone's ever seen and still listenin' to Lil Nas!

Angel:  Assassin!

Ria:  Possibly in jail for armed robbery, I don't know.

Ninja:  わかりませんが、本当の忍者になりたいかもしれません.  (Screw you, Google Translate!)

Goober:  I'm a kid!  How am I supposed to know ANYTHING about the future?

Greaser:  Lookin' good, as always.  *finger guns* Ayye!

SirClogsworth:  I'm not too sure, to be honest.

Baggy:  Probably at some low end job, but I hope not!

Flamingo:  Becoming a real flamingo!

Blue:  Avoiding everyone in sight because I fucking hate everyone.

Not Orange:  CAPITALISM!

Hunter:  What do you think?

Rookie:  Probably being the most average person alive.

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