Headcanons that I Came Up With on the Fly

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Player: Every Thursday night at 2:00 am, he stays up and watches Among Us videos on YouTube.
Veteran:  Has an entire bookshelf dedicated to video games, also hates reading.
Captain: Sings in the shower; his go to song is All Star by Smash Mouth, and he sings different variations of it every time he gets in the shower.
TheGentleman: Has two closets: one filled with clothes and stuff, and the other is filled entirely with top hats.
Mr. Cheese:  Cries whenever someone slices cheese in front of him, especially Swiss cheese.
Mother: She based Timmy and Franklin off of her kids in real life.
Stoner: Is actually a geology major, and is also into botany. Also has a lot of plants and rocks in his room because why not.
Engineer: Has had a lot of trouble keeping up with relationships (platonic and romantic) but does his best with Gnome.
Gnome: Is obsessed with Gravity Falls and loved the gnome episode.
Bday: Hasn't really gotten the chance to celebrate his birthday in real life.
Rose: Always does really nice things for BDay like giving him biscuits or something.
Dum: Can do voice impressions and uses them to troll online.
Bro:  He skates. He also graffitis public buildings when he's bored.
Noob:  Doesn't know very many pop culture references and dislikes memes.
Mr. Egg: Every time anyone in the world cracks an egg, he sheds a single tear. He has yet to discover this, though, and assumes that he just has an eye condition.
Cub:  Loves bears and nature in general.
Poopyfarts96: Eats straight rocks.
Sheriff: Dances to Lil Nas X on the weekends and when he's off.
Angel:  Sings all the time, sometimes without even realizing it.
Ninja:  Has studied enough English to say basic sentences but prefers to speak in Japanese.
Goober:  Spongebob fanatic.

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