The Bad Writing of the Female Characters

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I know a lot of people have touched on how badly written the female characters are in AUL, but I wanted to give my own take. I talked about it a little bit in a comment on someone else's book discussing the topic, but not in detail. In this chapter, I'll be discussing all of the female characters and the flaws in their characters' writing.

I'll also be going in chronological order from when they first appeared in the series.

⚠️ Here's a warning because some of the things that'll be said may potentially be offensive ⚠️

Ok, so I'll start off with an actually pretty well-written character.

1. Angel

I think that Angel is quite well-written and is better written than most of the other female characters in the series. She has her own distinct personality with multiple personality traits. She's also pretty interesting, like how she can be sweet but could also rip your guts out if she wanted to. The only negative thing I can say about her is that she hasn't appeared in the series enough, but that's not her fault. I don't have much to say about her, so let's move on, shall we?

2. Rose

The main issue about Rose's character is that we don't know Jack shit about her. The only thing we know about her is that she's BDay's girlfriend and that they love each other. I think that she should be thrown into a GameToons Gaming video without BDay being there so then maybe we could see more of her personality. They did that with BDay, and we got to see a different side to him, so perhaps that method would work again. There isn't much else to discuss about Rose because of the lack of information about her, so I'll just move on from this section.

3. Mother

Hey look, another well-written female character in AUL! Mother is probably one of the better female characters because she can be funny without being loud *cough* Gnome *cough*, and she has multiple aspects to her personality. She's kind and nurturing, but she also has an aggressive side and a separate violent one when she's the impostor.  This creates a balance of her positive and negative traits, which is a good thing when writing characters in general.

Also, when I say a character is good, I don't mean that they're perfect, and that's a good thing.  If characters like Mother and Angel were perfect, they would be less likeable because there's less of a character there.  Their imperfections are what make them human, however, too many negative traits are unrealistic, too.  So yeah, Mother's pretty good, now let's move on to the next character.

4. Goober

Goober has barely shown up in the series, but they definitely have some of the same problems as the other female characters in the series.  Not only do we not know anything about them, they're also loud, chaotic, and honestly just plain dumb. Hey, it's not rude, it's honest! The problem here is that those things seem to be Goober's only personality traits with no positive ones whatsoever. If they were brought back to the series and given a bigger role, maybe we could see a different side to them? Maybe, but I think that it's highly unlikely considering how Dum essentially replaced them as the dumb pink person, but that's a different debacle that'll be pecked at.

5. Gnome

Jesus Harold Christ...where do I even start with her? I feel like her writing could've been so much better. I despise how her only personality traits are "HAHA CHAOS LOUDNESS" and "ENGI, WHERE'S ENGI?! I MISS ENGI!"  It's to the point where GameToons mashes these two traits together and turn her into a full on yandere.  Even before GTG, she had absolutely no personality that's even memorable.  It felt like she was just added so there were at least a few female characters.  From then, it didn't seem like they had any ideas on how to create her personality, so they just gave her personality traits that some of the other female characters had and meshed them together.  It's not a pretty combination.  There are ways people can mesh personality traits without it being complete chaos, but GameToons failed at this.  They also failed to give her no further personality, which honestly kinda sucks.  Also, it seems almost as though she was thrown into the ring just to be shipped with one of the guys.  Enginome isn't a bad ship, it's just that almost instantly after both Gnome and Engineer were introduced, they were shipped together by GameToons without any previous interactions or development, and their relationship wasn't even mentioned before.  I know that they may have started dating offscreen, but they could have at least alluded to it a little bit so it doesn't seem so much like it's randomly put into there.

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