What They Would do for Their Birthdays

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This was requested by Average_Cat .  Hope you enjoy!

Player:  Hangs out with his friends and eat pizza and cake.

Veteran:  Eats everything in sight, then does some fun birthday things.

Captain: Has a party and invite everyone he knows.

TheGentleman:  Nothing probably. He's never enjoyed celebrating his birthday.

Mr. Cheese:  Would have a party at Cheese Louise and would invite everyone except Player.

Mother:  Hasn't celebrated her birthday since she turned 21.

Stoner: Weed circle with most of the crew.

Engineer: He doesn't really enjoy birthdays, but Gnome would throw him a surprise party.

Gnome:  Is expecting a surprise party but doesn't like them.

BDay:  Has a small party with only like three people and gets high off of helium.

Rose: BDay would take her out to her favorite restaurant.

Dum:  Would have a party at an inflatable place.

Bro:  Gets drunk and does stupid things.

Noob:  Has a big birthday bash with lots of presents and expects everyone to give her one.

Mr. Egg:  Has a tea party with TheGentleman and Mr. Cheese.

Cub:  Hibernates.

Poopyfarts96: Makes people laugh at his own party.

Sheriff: Gets drunk and pole dances.

Angel: Has one too many drinks.

Ninja: Doesn't really celebrate but welcomes any birthday wishes.

Goober:  Stuffs their face with cake.

Greaser:  Asks everyone he knows to gift him hair product.

SirClogsworth:  Hacks into people's accounts and makes them buy him gifts.

Baggy:  Hangs out with a small group of people.

Flamingo:  Has a flamingo themed party.

Blue:  Doesn't generally celebrate, but Not Orange always gets or makes him something.

Not Orange:  Forces people to celebrate his birthday with him.

Hunter:  Hunts for the undead.

Rookie:  Has a small party with his family and only friend in real life.

Happy:  Eats cake and feeds some to Balthazar.

Hornsly:  Goes to a petting zoo.

Wizard:  Learns magic tricks to show to people.

Here's another chapter of this for you guys to enjoy!  Isn't it weird how this is almost to 100 chapters?  It feels like it just started!

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!  See you in the next one.

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