MBTI Shite (My opinions)

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I've been wanting to do a chapter like this since forever, since I'm very much a typology nerd.  Also, I'm basing my analysis off of the cognitive functions; there's no letter typing here.  Anyways, let's begin!

I'm not confident with many of the typings I gave out tbh

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I'm not confident with many of the typings I gave out tbh.

I could potentially make explanations as to why I think a certain character is a certain type, but I know I'd probably do a poor job, but I can try anyway.  Also, I'm open to hearing other peoples' opinions (and why you think I'm wrong or right, or it may be fun to type a character that I failed to).

Doing this chapter has successfully itched my brain just right.p

Not me (potentially) sharing a type with Engineer and Rookie-

Also, this is entirely based on how they act in AUL, not how they act in other Logics.  For example, if I were to type SGL Noob, I'd probably pick an entirely different type, because SGL Noob is quite different from her AUL counterpart.

I might do more typology related shit in the future (like enneagrams and that jazz, or another typology system) if anyone would want to see that.

Anyways, that's it for this chapter!  See you guys in the next one! :D

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