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Why am I screaming, might you ask?  Well, it's because I saw THIS on GameToons' Instagram:

Why am I screaming, might you ask?  Well, it's because I saw THIS on GameToons' Instagram:

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You see that?  IT'S (2nd after Stoner) BEST BOY!

Words cannot describe how happy I am to see him in a GTG vid!

I may have screamed about it on the Discord server...

Well, I didn't know if I'd watch another GTG vid again after their channel started spiraling downhill, but now that I see that Blue's gonna be in the next video, I'm definitely gonna be watching it.

Also, I'm happy that they're actually trying to put in characters we haven't seen in GTG yet.  They're still kind of failing, but hey, A for effort.  Sorry for the added salt to this chapter (Cynical says as though he doesn't do that every chapter 🙄)

Anyways, that's it for this chapter!  See you guys in the next one!

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