Return of the Rookie (Player x Rookie) + Art at the End

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Been a while since I've done one of these! I've been wanting to write something like this for a bit, especially since Rookie deserves more appreciation. Hope you guys enjoy!

Also, Player here will act like his old self and not like a complete arsehole.

Location:  The Skeld
Crewmates:  Rookie, Veteran, Angel, TheGentleman, Mr. Cheese, Captain, Mr. Egg, Mother, Stoner, Goober
Impostors:  Poopyfarts96 and Player

Rookie's POV

It's been months of me playing Among Us, and I still haven't won a single game. Well, not before getting killed. Even so, I didn't contribute much to those wins, especially since most of those wins were crewmate wins. Today, I'm gonna return to Captain's lobby to see if anything changes. I seriously doubt it, though.

I click join, and presto! I'm in. Nice!

When I join, nothing really happens. I join as usual, and no one says a thing. Not until a pink crewmate with an eyeball lamp asks,

"Who's the new guy?"

"Ahh, Goober, that's not a new guy, you just haven't met him yet!" Captain replies. "That's, uhh, Some Guy Having a Panic Attack!"

"Erm, it's Rookie," I correct him.

"I'm sure you are!" he replies, leaving me confused.

"Hello there, Rookie," a banana colored crewmate with a halo greets me. "I'm not a regular here, either. Hell, I just got out of the Cheater's Lobby! The name's Angel, by the way."

"The Cheater's Lobby?" I ask, unfamiliar with that name.

"That's where crewmates go when they get caught cheating, and well, I got caught," Angel explains. "I'm not the only one here who's been there, though! Just ask Player and Mr. Cheese!"

Player? I wouldn't imagine him cheating! Maybe it was before we met. Probably.

Speaking of Player, he's over in the corner talking to Veteran, though I can't make out what they're saying.

"Aren't those two such good F R I E N D S?" Angel asks, nudging me. (I apologize in advance to the PlayVet shippers)

"Yeah, I guess so," I reply. "Actually, I wonder if Player's looking for a boyfriend. WAIT I'VE SAID TOO MUCH-"

"Oh, I see!" Angel exclaims. "You have a crush on Player, but you're not sure he'd like you back!"

"On the nose," I reply. "But can you please be quieter about it? I don't want people to know, you know, especially not Player, and DEFINITELY not Mr. Cheese."

"What about me, punk?" Mr. Cheese asks out of nowhere.

"I...uhh...dmmmph!" I shout, not being able to utter any actual words.

"That's what I thought," he replies, leaving.

"Oh, shut up, Mr. Cheese, what gave you such a big ego?" Angel asks him. He doesn't respond and instead is seen kissing TheGentleman and Mr. Egg at the same time.

"Anyways, Rookie, you and Player?" Angel asks. "I can get that party started real quick. Ooh, this'll be so much fun!"

"What do I even say to him?" I ask. "I...don't have much experience flirting."

"I'll help you!" Angel reassures me. "Oh, Player! I've got someone who wants to see you!"

Well shit :D

Player's POV

When Rookie joins the lobby, I quickly turn to Veteran to hide my reddened face.

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