StoneDay Fankids + Headcanons!

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Out of pure boredom, I've created StoneDay fankids. Here's what I made them look like!

  Here's what I made them look like!

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And a humanized version of them:

 I haven't named the one on the left, but I decided to call the one on the right Molly

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I haven't named the one on the left, but I decided to call the one on the right Molly.

The unnamed kid is 10, and Molly is 6.

Ok, headcanon times!


-She's very bubbly and friendly

-Essentially, she's BDay with Stoner's hair

-Airhorn screams

-She likes taking care of people and helping them

-She has good grades

-She eats a shit ton

-She once heard Stoner swear and told her friends about the new word she learned, getting Stoner in trouble

-She likes nature

-She has a big sweet tooth, from both of her fathers

-Actually kinda similar to Gnome

-Is well liked by her peers

-Likes to cook and bake

-Lowkey a bit sassy; she got in trouble for beating a kid up at recess

-Likes to pretend that she's a spy (totally not projecting from my younger self here)

Ok, I think that's it for her!

Now, let's move on to Molly:

-Generally pretty quiet but still caring

-Opposite to her sister, she's Stoner with BDay's hair

-Likes drawing with crayons and markers

-Ate the crayons and paste a year ago

-Has few friends, but she likes it that way

-Pretty fucking smart

-Likes reading

-Rarely screams or cries

-Her favorite thing is capri suns

-Tries to lose her teeth on purpose so she can get money

-Almost has the personality of Blue

-Chill asf

-Favorite food is Mac and cheese

Ok, that's it for this chapter!  See you guys in the next one!

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