AUL With no Air Conditioning amd They're Locked Inside an RV or Something

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I'm writing this because I have shit air conditioning right now and it's so damn hot!

Player: "I'M DYING!"

Veteran: Sweating literal buckets.

Captain: Has a water bottle that everyone is trying to steal.

TheGentleman: Becomes very irritable.

Mr. Cheese: Found a way to escape.

Mother: Tries to keep Timmy and Franklin cool.

Stoner:  Still smoking weed.

Engineer:  Is close to passing out.

Gnome: Fanning Engi.

Bday:  He and Rose are fanning each other.

Rose: She and BDay are fanning each other.

Dum:  Would really like some ice.

Bro: "It's hotter than Satan's ballsack in here!"

Noob: Isn't there, is cooling off at the beach and everyone hates her because of it.

Mr. Egg: Drinking a lot of water.

Cub: Sleeping.

Poopyfarts96:  Farting away the heat.

Sheriff:  Dancing to Lil Nas X to sweat more, it's counterproductive.

Angel:  "Is this what hell feels like?"

Ria:  Feels like dying.

Ninja:  Is used to heat like this.

Goober:  Screaming.

Greaser:  "My hair's gonna melt off!"

SirClogsworth: "It's hotter than The Cheater's Lobby in here!"

Baggy:  Is screaming.

Flamingo:  Is sad because he can't go swimming because he's locked inside.

Blue: Pretends like he's not suffering but he is very much.

Not Orange: Forces his mini crewmate to spray water on him and fan him.

Hunter: Has faced worse heat, so he's ok.

Rookie: "WHYYYYYYY?!"

Happy: Doesn't like this.

Hornsly: Probably sweating a lot.

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