Chapter 19

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When Matt wakes up after his nap, he places his suitcase in the bedroom before taking a tour of the apartment. It's cozy and he can see the traces of June all over the place.

"This place feels like a real home." He says over his shoulders when he hears June's footsteps getting closer.

"It really does." June mutters happily and in a whispered voice she adds "And a little more so now that you're here"

"I heard that." He chuckles and she blushes deeply. "I'm glad you like to have me here."

She takes a deep breath in order to make the blushing go away and says "There's a place I wanna show you. Do you wanna go there now?"

"Sure. Are you gonna go like that, baby?" He sends her a dirty look.

She laughs and hits him playfully. "No, I'm gonna wear something else than just your shirt, silly."

"Too bad. I like you just like this." He chuckles and kisses her softly on the lips.

"Me too but not around other people." She laughs happily.

An hour later they arrive at a beautiful little lake surrounded by large trees and lots and lots of colorful flowers.

"This is beautiful, babe." Matt says and kisses her on top of her head. "Just like you."

She turns around with a happy smile playing on her lips. "I'm happy I can share this place with you now. It's my favorite place to come when I need to think or relax completely. Let's sit down." She takes out a blanket from the bag she's carrying and puts in on the ground before they both sit down.

"Come here, baby." He says softly and pulls her to him so she's sitting with her back flush against him. He softly puts his head on top of her and takes a deep, cleansing breath.

They sit quietly for minutes and looks at the nature, listening to the sounds of birds. It fills them both with joy and peace.

"Time for sandwiches and sodas." She says softly after a while and gives him a quick peck on the lips before unpacking sandwiches and soda cans from her bag.

"What do you think you'd be doing right now if we hadn't met?" Matt wonders and shoots her a serious look.

"I would probably be cleaning my apartment or reading a book right here. This is the only place I normally go to alone. It's actually weird to tell you this, because you haven't experienced that side of me at all, but I'm normally not very open to other people. I'm shy and most of the time I get anxious just from thinking of meeting new people. Either you or San Francisco changed that somehow." She smiles happily. "I wasn't overly anxious about meeting your family or your friends. Thanks Matt." There are tears shining in her eyes. Happy tears.

He kisses her softly. "I'm glad we did that for you, baby. You deserve to experience the joy of meeting new people without being anxious."

"Thanks babe. I'm so happy we all decided to go to San Francisco and not some place else. What do you think you'd be doing if we hadn't met?" She asks curiously.

"Reading and rereading the manuscript for the movie." He sighs. "I should be doing that right now actually. But I read it more than once on the plane, so I think I'm good."

"Of course you are. You're amazing. Let me know if you need someone to practice with. I'm probably not very good at it but I haven't really tried acting so who knows?" She laughs happily. "It would be fun to try it with you."

He shoots her a dirty smile. "Everyone can act, baby. Especially if you to find something where the act aligns with what you feel in reality." He winks at her and she blushes. "Matt! Save your dirty thoughts for later."
"But we're all alone right here." He winks at her again and her cheeks turn bright red. He leans closer to her.

"Stop it." She says but there's no conviction in her voice.

"Okay. I will." He laughs and for a few seconds she looks really disappointed which makes him laugh heartily. "You look so disappointed, baby."

"I kind of am and at the same time I'm really relieved." She laughs softly.

"Later baby." He murmurs against her lips before kissing her greedily.

When they come up for air she pants "We forgot the sandwiches." He laughs in response. "I'd rather eat you anyway, baby."

"Stop flirting with me." She admonishes but the happiness in her eyes and her smile tells him otherwise.

While eating he tells her more about the movie. It sounds like a great movie and she's really excited about it on his behalf. "You can come with me to the premiere, if you want to, baby."

She sighs loudly. "I really don't belong anywhere near paparazzi. I hate it when people take pictures of me."

"Too bad. You make the best motive." He kisses her sweetly. "But you should come anyway. I promise I'll keep you safe from all the bad paparazzi that want you picture." He winks at her and she laughs.

"But if we went together, it would be some kind of make a statement." She ponders out loud. "Everyone would know that you're taken." She smiles deviously. "I like that thought."

He laughs happily. "I like it too. Put the premiere isn't until next year so it's an awful long time you'll have to want to stake your claim and we were already in the papers in San Francisco, remember?"

She sighs. "How could I forget? Somehow people figured out who I am and I got like 12.000 requests to follow me on my social medias. It's quite overwhelming so I made all my profiles private and now I'm just ignoring it. My friends and family can text me on my phone."

"Let me know if you need help, babe. I know it's quite overwhelming and I'll tell you all about how I handle it if you want me to." He kisses her softly again and she deepens the kiss when he starts to pull away.

"Thanks babe." She says breathlessly when she finally lets go of his lips and reaches for one of the sandwiches next to her.

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