Chapter 21

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When Matt and June check the photo Matt posted, it has more than 10.000 likes and a few thousand comments.

"We're not reading all those comments!" June states shocked. "I had no idea it would be this bad."

"It's not bad baby. The comments are positive." Matt scrolls quickly through the comments and adds quietly "Most of them."

"Yeah, this one who writes that whoever the bitch is, she isn't good enough for you, sure is positive." She waves her phone in front of him.

"I thought you said we weren't gonna read the comments?" He asks quietly.

"I said not all of them." She quickly leaves the bed and hurries to the bathroom where she sits down on top of the closed toilet seat and puts her head in her hands.

"I can't handle this." She mutters to herself. "I can't. I really should do better than this."
Matt has entered the bathroom she quietly she doesn't hear him so when he gently removes her hands from her face she almost gasps in surprise.

"There's no one better than you for me. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. This is between you and me and no one else gets a say. No one but my parents that is. But only because they're on your side, baby." He gently pull her close to him and holds her gently.

"I'm sorry. I don't know why it makes me so insecure." She mumbles embarrassed.

"It's okay baby. It's a difficult minefield to navigate. You'll learn it eventually. I plan on keeping you." He laughs and she sniffles but after a while she laughs and says "We're naked, Matt."

"Oh, I know baby." He laughs again. "I don't mind that at all."

She also laughs again. "Me neither but it's funny."

"Let's put our phones away."

"Let go to the movies." She suggests quietly.

He looks at her quizzically. "I suggest small steps, you freak out over a few stupid photo comments but now you want to take me to the movies. Are you sure baby?"

She shrugs. "Yeah. It's indoor in the dark, so people can't take picture if we arrive late. I can't hide in here with you and it's probably better to just take a leap of faith."

"You have to tell me if we have to go home and have sex instead." He laughs and she swats his shoulder playfully. "You should practice your ability to think of other things than sex."

He laughs loudly. "That seems like an awful waste of my valuable time, baby."

"You get to decide what movie to watch, babe." She kisses him quickly and brushes past him and goes straight to her closet where she browses through rows and shelves.

"We're watching the most boring movie on the program." He states.

"So you won't miss out on anything when we make out." She states and laughs heartily. All traces of her previous worry gone from her face.

"You can't wear that!" He says indignantly.

"Why not?" She looks at him with her nose crinkled in confusion.

"Because that's you god damn sexiest underwear. I can't go anywhere with you if I know you're wearing that." He almost drools.

"Would you prefer I wear no underwear?" She asks innocently.

He has to swallow hard before he can answer her. "Oh god woman. You're gonna be the death of me."

"I can promise you that I'm not. I would miss you too much, babe." She kisses him deeply.

"I'm gonna be hard the entire night." He murmurs to himself and decides to give her a taste of her own medicine, so he puts on a dark suit.

When she comes back from the bathroom after having done her hair and make up she says "I'm rea-" but stops midsentence when she sees his outfit. "Oh dear god." She mutters. "You can't do this to me, Matt. I'm... I won't... Well... Broken.."

"Cat got your tongue?" He teases and she nods and then she swallows several times before she mutters "No!"

He laughs and stands from the bed and stops just in front of her. "Oh, but you started baby. Did you think there wouldn't be payback?"

She shakes her head. "I... No..." Then she takes a deep breath and mutters "Stop being so fucking sexy in a suit."

He shrugs and simply says "Stop being so sexy in general, baby. It makes it hard to concentrate."

She presses herself hard against him and greedily kisses him before pushing him back onto the bed. "We're gonna be late."

"We're supposed to be late." She says and frees his hard dick from his pants and immediately takes him into her mouth. She moans loudly.

"I'm only gonna last about 10 more seconds, baby." He warns and she tightens her mouth around him and quickly help him reach climax. "Now we're ready to go." She says happily.

"I died and went to heaven." Matt murmurs and takes a few deep breaths before he stands from the bed and pulls his pants and underwear back on.

Then they leave for the movies.

"Oh my god. You're in this movie. Of course you chose this one." June laughs loudly when she sees what movie Matt has picked.

He laughs happily and holds her close to him with an arm around her hips and a hand casually spread out on her ass. He squeezes it gently and she laughs softly. "We're not in the dark yet, babe."

He leans in and whisper seducingly in her ear "I really couldn't care less. Your choice of underwear makes me ready to take you right here for everyone to see, baby."

She swallows a moan and breathlessly say "The same goes for your outfit, babe."

He chuckles. "Yeah. The amazing blowjob made that pretty clear. Can you repeat that later?"

"As many times as you want, babe." She says eagerly and kisses him greedily.

When he pulls back her eyes are dark with need and full of happiness. "Let's go find our seats, baby."

"So tell me again, what was the movie about?" June asks and then she starts laughing uncontrollably. "Oh my god. That was a stupid question. You chose a movie you were in, because then you could answer my question, even when you didn't watch any of it."

"I did watch it. I saw my own name on that screen." Matt says in a serious tone.

"You spend the entire movie with yours hands on me." She laughs again and kisses him softly on the lips.

He shrugs and laughs. "I knew the movie by heart, so I found a better way to spend my time."

"Stop being cheesy." She tries to sound stern but fails entirely when she starts laughing loudly.

"I couldn't even if I tried. You bring it out in me, baby." He winks at her and she kisses him on the cheek. "This is nice."

"It is." He responds with a soft smile.

"So what should we-?" Her voice trails off when she looks down at her phone which she just turned on.

"What is it baby?" He asks concerned.

She turns the screen so he can see it and he mutters angrily "Stupid vultures."

On the screen is a photo of the two of them leaving the movies.

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