Season 4: episode 1 ''A new beginning'' (Part 2)

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Clace and Malec

Jace stares at Clary's old sketch book, one he had kept all that time. His fingers touch the deliberately made drawing of him sleeping, the coal no longer getting on his fingers. Even though he has a chance of getting her back, his face still shows pain. What if Simon was right? What if she had forgotten about him again? She clearly only remembered his name, so he had to climb all the way back to how things had been between them.

But that one drawing, he always looked at it after every mission he went on, or when he came back to the Institute after keeping an eye on Clary. It was the only thing he had left of her. Of course, he was beyond relieved that she knew his name, but it wasn't gonna be enough. Not now. He hears footsteps and turns around, looking directly at Alec. ''Alec?'' Alec smiles as he stands there. Jace walks over to him and wraps him in a hug so tight, Alec could barely breathe. Alec returns the hug. ''What are you doing here? Could you even leave Alicante?'' Jace asks as he takes a step back. ''Magnus portaled me here, and they don't even have to know. I felt that my Parabatai needed me.''

They sit down on Jace's bed. Clary's drawing lies on his bed, opened. Alec looks at it. ''She truly was talented.'' Jace looks up. ''Is. Is talented.'' Alec nods, he didn't mean to talk past tense. He sighs as he rubs his hands for a second. ''Simon told me what happened.'' Jace of course didn't know that the last time Alec spoke with Simon, it had been before Jace even knew she remembered him. Alec was still uninformed about that segment. ''Jace, I know you love her with every fiber in you, but...'' Jace gets up, walks over to his little desk. He sighs as he turns around. ''I love her to the depths and breadths and heights. And I might have another chance to show that.'' Alec looks confused at him, having no idea what he was talking about.

''I went to see her this afternoon, and she knew my name. She recognised me.'' Once again, his two-coloured eyes light up. Alec gets up and walks over to him. ''The Angels forgave her?'' Jace shrugs. He honestly didn't know if they did, if they truly exonerated her, but he wanted to believe it. ''There's nothing like distance to stoke my proudness and love for her. Her absence only made my heart grow fonder'', he says. Alec sighs softly as he puts a hand on Jace's arm. ''I just don't want you to get hurt.'' Jace's expression is slightly conflicted, but he forces on a smile.

It's only then that they're both startled by a sudden knock on the door. Magnus stands there and smiles at the two of them, his eyes beaming. ''Look who it is.'' He enters and gives Jace a quick hug. Jace smiles as he sees him, a lot more genuine this time. ''It's good to see you, Magnus.'' He nods at him and looks at Alec, no longer wearing his suit. But Magnus wouldn't be Magnus if he didn't throw in a little flirt. ''Sorry I interrupted, but I came to steal my handsome and dashing husband.'' Jace raises his hands in the air. ''He's all yours. But thank you for bringing him here. I needed it.'' Magnus nods as he gives Jace a quick pat on the shoulder before he takes Alec away, not giving him the opportunity to counteract.


Simon stares ahead as he sits in Izzy's office. She had left to give a briefing to a team of Shadowhunters to hunt some Shax demons. He stares at a photo of him and Clary on his phone. He had finally found peace within himself after she left, but knowing that she remembered Jace, made him go back to mourning all over again. It took him months to get over the 'loss' of his best friend, and now he might have to go through that all over again.

''Simon?'' He gets up and turns around, finding Izzy standing behind him. She walks over to him and wraps him into a hug, feeling he was upset. She knew her boyfriend well enough to feel when he was upset. He lets her hug him, burying his head in her embrace. ''You're thinking about Clary, aren't you?'' she asks. ''I do too.'' Simon moves away from her, nodding understandably. They grew closer because they talked a lot about Clary, before moving on with their lives. He sits back on the chair and sighs. ''I keep seeing her, right in front of me, every time I close my eyes. I hear her, everywhere I go. It's as if she stands behind me, as if she's here in this room. She saying my name when she needed me, when she was scared something had happened to me.'' Izzy sits down in front of him, touching his cheek. ''Why didn't you tell me about this?'' Simon shrugs a little. ''I just didn't want to bring her back up.''

His hands tremble slightly, his breathing gets heavier. She puts her hands on his hands. And as she looks into his eyes, it's the first time she sees his tired-looking eyes, filled with sorrow and misery. Why did he keep this from her? Yes, they stopped talking about Clary months ago, but she thought that he had made peace with it. It actually made her a little baffled that he bottled this up, but she understood. ''Will she ever remember me? Remember that we were once locked inside my mother's liquor cabinet? How I got bullied in tenth grade?'' She saw his hopeful yet fearful eyes. She couldn't lie to him, yet she didn't want to say the nagging truth.

He withdraws his hands from hers, knowing that her silence said enough. She tries to get a hold of him as he walks to the door. ''Simon, please.'' He stops. She walks back over to him. ''Talk to me. Tell me what I can do.'' He turns around to face her. ''Just, hold me.'' And so, she does. He starts crying as he just wants everything to go back to normal, for Clary to walk in through that door like nothing ever happened, like her memories were never erased.

''She was the best friend I could have ever wished for'', Izzy says softly as she continues to hold Simon. He stops crying and loosens himself from her grip. ''And we'll get her back, I promise you. We'll fight for her return, all of us.'' He looks into her eyes and nods softly. ''She always had everyone's best interests at heart, cared for all she loved. She always found a way to keep our family alive, to hold onto the love we had for one another'', Simon says, sniffling a little. ''So, why did she had to be punished for stopping the danger? For using her powers one last time to rid us of the jeopardy?'' Izzy sighs softly. ''You know why.''

It was true, they had spoken tons of times about that. But he still didn't want to believe that Angels who created Shadowhunters, could be so cruel to erase one's memories. Yes, she ignored their wish, but she did save the world. ''We owe it to her to help her regain her memories, her Shadowhunter runes, for she gave us our freedom back'', Izzy concludes. Simon smiles, glad she was willing to help him, and in a certain way, Jace as well. He knew Alec wasn't gonna be easily influenced in helping them as the new Inquisitor, and he honestly thought Izzy was gonna be tough to persuade as well, seeing as she's the new Head of the Institute, but he knew that she missed Clary just as much as he did.

To be continued...

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