Season 4: episode 7 ''Hope of becoming a memory'' (Part 3)

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The beams of Angelic and Demonic light kept going back and forth for what felt like an eternity until finally, Clary and Jonathan couldn't go on any longer. Clary fell to her knees, looking at Jonathan leaning against a piece of the ceiling that had come crashing down during their brief battle. She stared at her brother who looked at their mother. She was still breathing, but it was faint. Clary scoffed at him. ''You're not a real Fairchild, Jonathan, never have been. Even when you were Demonic, you were weak.''

Jonathan shook his head, then nodded, looking at her. ''Maybe I was, maybe I wasn't. I don't even care about any of that, Clary. What I care about, is this. You. Us.'' He looked at their mother whimpering on the ground, then back at his sister. ''Even when we were tethered together, you kept having this piece of kindness in you. And that was because of Jace.'' Hearing that name, she shot fire his way, which he barely dodged. Yet she had no idea why she did that. She had no memory of that name.''

Jonathan noticed, and by witnessing that, he knew there was still something inside of her that knew him. Why else would she react the way she had? He stepped closer. ''Don't you remember how we infiltrated the Queen's party to try and kidnap her? You convinced me Jace was on our side while we tried to regain what was rightfully ours. And he wore this Seelie ring we didn't know about.'' She stumbled backwards, her head pounding. Fire shot everywhere each time Jonathan said his name.

''Stop!'' she yelled, clutching her head. ''Stop saying that name! It hurts!'' She still had no clue why it did, and she couldn't remember the little story Jonathan was telling her, but it was clear there was some truth to it. She hadn't felt this kind of sensation before ever since she had become demonic. ''Keep... going...'' Jocelyn said weakly. ''Keep... reminding... her...'' Jonathan looked down at his mother and looked back up at her. ''Remember when I was dressed as Sebastian Verlac? I was fighting against Jace on the bridge, and Isabelle came to save the day.''

More fire erupted from her hands, even from her eyes, when he mentioned yet another name. ''The memories are still inside of you, Clary. Despite you thinking the Angels erased them, there will always be that tiny bit of consciousness left inside of you. Memories never truly fade, no matter how hard we try.'' She looked at him, bitterness shown in her eyes. Even a hint of anger. Her body may have shown that she had some sort of reaction to those names, but her eyes were still soulless.

''What about Simon? The boy who eradicated Lilith the first time? You haven't forgotten about that; I know you haven't. It was the same day I got brought back to life and everyone thought you were dead.'' Clary's whole body was on fire again, and she once more flew in the air. ''Stop!'' she yelled so loud, that Jonathan's ears began to bleed. ''No, I'll never stop,'' he said, ignoring the pain he felt, ''I'll keep going until you remember. Until you're the real Clary.'' Lilith then appeared, and when blinking once, she and Clary were gone.

Jonathan looked around to try and find them, but they were nowhere to be found. They had vanished into thin air. Perhaps Lilith had brought her to her new lair, wherever that was. But he knew he couldn't give up this fight yet. The fact that Lilith felt threatened enough to take Clary elsewhere, told him enough. She was still weak after they had defeated her once before. He kneeled next to his mother, lying there motionless. ''Mum?'' He gently touched her cheek, and a single tear rolled down his cheek. ''Mum, open your eyes, please.'' Her eyes were closed, and when he checked her breathing, there was nothing. She had died a second time.

He could've wanted revenge, but that wasn't what he wanted. Clary wasn't in her right mind, he knew that. He knew what she was really like. He wasn't mad at her, despite knowing he should've been. He didn't know Jocelyn had tried to reach out to the only person left remembering a fragment of Clary's existence as he had seen her last, and was left standing there with no clue what to do or where to go. He was an Angel stuck in Edom, and he couldn't leave. Not without help from outside. He couldn't reach the Angels either as they had no access to Edom. He was stuck there, and that realisation only began to sink in when he tried to find the light.

''He's sleeping,'' Magnus told Jace once he had opened the door for him to let him inside. He checked Jace to make sure he didn't have anything on him that could potentially break Magnus' barrier spell. ''So, Alec's been having these vivid episodes that make him try to remember someone?'' Magnus nodded, pouring him a drink. ''He was screaming last night on the balcony, and there was this sort of higher-power barrier surrounding him. I managed to break through after a couple of tries, but this has been going on for at least a week now.''

Jace looked at Alec, his best friend, his Parabatai, sleeping. He sighed softly. ''Why hasn't he mentioned any of this to me?'' Magnus shrugged, sipping his drink. ''He didn't tell me either until he started having those episodes in front of me. And last night's was the worst one I'd ever seen.'' Jace put his drink down. ''So, we're looking for a red-haired girl who's someone's daughter?'' Magnus nodded. ''That's what he keeps saying. I don't know anyone who's red-haired.'' Jace shook his head. ''Neither do I.''

Magnus sighed and got up, checking up on Alec who was sleeping with Magnus' protecting spell. ''I know it's not well to keep him in a coma, but he needs his sleep. He hasn't been sleeping for days because of that. It's eating away at him.'' Jace walked over to Magnus. ''And so, you want to use our Parabatai bond to try and look into his mind and thoughts?'' Magnus nodded. ''I know it's risky, but I could only see so much last night. Your bond is stronger than my powers. It's the only way to truly see what he has been seeing.''

Jace took off his shirt while Magnus put Alec's shirt up. Jace lay down next to Alec, looking at Magnus. ''Will I go into a coma too?'' Magnus nodded, holding his hands above Jace's chest. ''Not as deep as he, but yes. It's the only way.'' Jace sighed, readying himself. ''Do it.'' Magnus hovered his hands above Jace's chest and began saying the spell in Latin. Jace felt an immense surge of power at the core of his brain, making him twitch for a second before falling asleep.

He appeared in Alec's mind, which was completely foggy. ''You see anything?'' he heard Magnus' voice from afar. ''No, it's quite foggy. Is it supposed to look this way?'' he asked, trying to make sense of where he was. It wasn't the Institute like Alec and Izzy had been in before to try and save Jace from his possession by The Owl. It wasn't anything he recognised. ''Each person's brain is different. So, you tell me,'' Magnus said, keeping a close eye on both men. Jace kept walking, though each step he took caused more and more fog to rise. Up to the point where he couldn't see a thing.

''Save... my... daughter...'' was what he heard, somewhere vaguely. A grown-up woman's voice. The same voice Alec had heard only a couple of hours ago. He tried to get closer to where the sound was coming from, hearing it echo all around him. ''Hello? Who's there?'' he asked, hoping to find someone inside Alec's mind. ''Please... save... her...'' He walked further, trying to make sense of where it came from, and whose voice it was. ''Who are you?'' he asked again, coming to a halt when he saw the glimpse of a red-haired girl. ''Hello?'' He walked over to her, wanting to touch her shoulder so she'd turn around. And right as he did, Alec gasped awake, which caused Jace to be thrown out of Alec's head. ''What the hell?'' Alec asked angrily, looking at Jace without wearing a shirt, waking up next to him. ''I thought we were Parabatai!''

To be continued...

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