Season 4: episode 3 ''Love is stronger'' (Part 1)

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After Alec and Magnus made up about Magnus' impulsive act, Alec meets up with him on the balcony. Magnus looks perturbed. ''Something on your mind?'' Alec asks as he stands next to him. Magnus slowly turns around and gives a weak smile. ''No... I mean yes... I mean, maybe.'' Alec puts his hand on top of Magnus'. ''It's about Clary, isn't it?'' Magnus sighs. Alec knew him so well. One look in his eyes was enough to see what was bothering him. ''It just hurts me that she and Jace can't be together like Simon and Izzy or you and me. And they fought so hard for it. The Angels are immortal, just like me, yet they can't forgive two mortals who don't have that much time on this earth to be together.''

Alec had no idea the conversation was gonna go that deep as he holds Magnus' hand. ''Even Lorenzo helped us, and he's immortal too. He too believes in love. So, why can't they?'' Alec sighs softly. ''I wish I knew, Magnus. I know how much Jace is hurting and I wish I had magic that could turn back time so we could've helped Clary not to bear it all alone. And I know that's rich, coming from me with how I acted towards her at times, but I do miss her.'' Magnus sighs as he nods. He looks at his hands, a small orb of magic appearing. ''If only I was so powerful to reverse their punishment. But even as the High Warlock of Alicante and former of Brooklyn, I wouldn't be able to.''

Alec closes his hand, to make the magic-infused orb disappear. ''I think that if we all keep fighting for the restoration to how it was, the Angels might be forgiving and give her back to us. I have hope.'' Magnus chuckles softly. ''Hope keeps us human, right?'' Alec nods. Magnus kisses Alec sweetly. ''This sweet side of yours is what I fell for. And I'm so proud of how far you've come. We all are.'' Alec looks down for a second, then back up. ''I know I've got a lot to atone for, in a way, but I am fighting for her return. Also, for Izzy.''

Magnus kisses him again, a bit more passionate this time. As he pulls away, he smiles. ''So, does this sweet man who loves everyone nearby him want to share a romantic afternoon with me in a soft bed?'' Alec smirks, nothing but love in his eyes. ''I thought you'd never ask, my sweet, beautiful, thoughtful husband.'' Magnus chuckles as he takes Alec's hand and pulls him towards the bed, only to have a make-out session as only two husbands could.

Clace and Sizzy

Izzy and Simon get back to the Institute as Jace stands near the monitor, the alarm blaring. ''There's been a demon attack near where Clary's art gallery is located. It might be Lilith's rage of revenge for killing her son.'' Izzy looks at the screen. ''But why now? Why not a year earlier?'' Jace looks at her, his eyes filled with anger, pain, worry. ''Because she's remembering things.'' Izzy nods and gathers her stuff, looking at Simon. ''Assemble me a team.'' Simon nods and hurries off.

It doesn't take long before they've gathered around the table, thinking of a plan to stop this wraith demon. ''We need to split up, attack it from a side they'll never expect'', Izzy explains as she points at multiple spots throughout the area. ''I want you two stationed here, and wait for my signal to attack.'' The two Shadowhunters nod and head out to scope the place out. She gives two others their assigned spot and looks at Jace. ''We'll head straight to the art gallery. I know that she recognises you, so you might be able to convince her to come with us, to get somewhere safe.'' Jace nods.

She then looks over at Simon. ''You'll be in charge while I'm gone, with Underhill.'' He stares at her in disbelief. ''I'm a vampire, they'll never listen to me.'' She kisses him sweetly. ''They will, because you're the boyfriend of the Head of the Institute. They'll know what I'll do to them if they don't listen.'' Simon nods as he chuckles. ''Besides, you and Underhill are the two I trust the most out of anyone who stays behind.'' He gives her one more kiss before she and Jace head out. He sighs as he turns to Underhill. ''It's you and me buddy'', Simon says. Underhill nods as he addresses the other Shadowhunters, making them aware of the current temporary situation.

As they arrive, the demon seems to be far away enough to warn Clary and get her out of there before it strikes. They run inside. Clary startles and drops her crayons. As she wants to say something, she notices Izzy. ''Weren't you just here this morning?'' Then she sees Jace. ''Jace...'' He can't help but smile as she once again, knows his name. But he doesn't have much time to think about it as Izzy gets a phone call from one of the other stationed Shadowhunters. They spotted the wraith demon. ''Look, I know that you don't know us that well, but we need you to come with us.'' Clary looks at him, confused. ''Why's that?''

There's no time to explain as suddenly the windows burst, glass everywhere. Jace covers her with his body to avoid her getting hit by glass. Izzy dives out of the way and hides behind a pole. She immediately uses her whip to try and get a hold of the demon, but it's way too strong as it easily pulls her along with the whip. ''Are you okay?'' Jace asks as he checks her. He had to make sure the glass didn't hit her. She nods. ''I am. But what is that thing?'' Jace looks at it, then back at her. ''A demon. He's sent to kill you.'' He didn't want to be that honest, but he had to. Maybe it'd trigger her memory somehow.

But he doesn't have time to help regain her memory any further as he's thrown out of the way by the demon's paw. ''Jace!'' Clary says as she looks at him lying there, fairly unconscious. She watches as Izzy desperately tries to maintain the demon, but it's useless. It's filled with rage, revenge, and it goes straight for Clary. ''Watch out!'' Izzy yells as the demon gets closer. And even though Clary seems paralysed for a second, she dives out of the way, takes Jace's seraph blade and stabs it straight in the demonic core. It might not have been in a corporeal form, yet she somehow knew where to stab.

As the demon screeches, Jace regains full consciousness and witnesses her stabbing the demon, the seraph blade lighting up like it did the first time she took a hold of it, the day they met. She was still a Shadowhunter... which was proof that the Angels were giving her her old life back. He was so proud, yet he didn't have much time as the demon goes at her again. Clearly, the stabbing didn't do much. But Izzy reacts quickly and turns her whip into the staff, stabbing the demon from behind at the same spot as Clary did. The demon screeches again, even louder this time. And then it dissolves.

Jace gets up and runs over to Clary. ''Are you okay? Did it hurt you?'' She shakes her head as she looks at him. Her hand moves up his arms, checking him for any injuries like he did with her. ''I...'' She looks straight into his eyes. ''I'm a Shadowhunter...'' Jace gasps, tears form in his eyes. Did she know the word? She then looks at Izzy. ''And so are you two.'' Jace nods. ''We are. The legends are true'', he says. She looks back at him. A small hint of pain in his eyes. Only then she notices the small wound in his neck. It must've scratched him. Without thinking twice, she takes his stele out and lifts his shirt, activating his Iratze rune. And that's when Jace realises that their love is stronger than any despise of the Angels. She's coming back to him, slowly but surely.

To be continued...

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