Season 4: episode 5 ''A love (un)dying'' (Part 1)

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''You did what?'' Alec asked happily, looking at Jace with a face that could barely believe what he was told. He hugged Jace. ''I can't believe you finally did it.'' Jace laughed, patting Alec's back. ''Neither can I, but I did. She's gonna be my wife.'' Alec let him go, looking at him as a child in a candy store, his eyes sparkling. Then his face fell a little, remembering himself she couldn't leave her room. ''Where will you hold the ceremony? I'm sure Magnus can create another soundless space somewhere.'' Jace shook his head. ''I hope to marry her when we've figured out how to let her memories be her memories. Until then, she's my fiancée.''

Alec smiled again, nodding. ''I'm still happy for you. And yes, I'll be your best man.'' Jace laughed, of course, Alec knew that he was gonna ask that, they're Parabatai. ''Is Magus around?'' Jace asked, wanting to tell him the news too. ''He's got an appointment, but you can wait here for him if you'd like. There's something I wanna discuss with you anyway.'' Before Jace could reply, his phone went off, Rebecca calling him. ''Is something wrong with Clary?'' he asked, knowing it must be the reason why she called. ''Hello to you too,'' she said, rolling her eyes on the other end. ''But not per se. Well, I'm not entirely sure, but I don't think so.''

Clary opened her eyes, her cheeks wet from crying, her eyes red and puffy. She saw a bright white light in her room, staring at the silhouette of her mum appearing. ''Mum?'' she asked, happy to see her. She got up from her bed, running over to her mum, hugging her. ''Oh, honey...'' Jocelyn said, her hand running along Clary's hair and back. She cried in her mother's arms, unsure of what to do. But she remembered the last time she saw her mother in her room, remembered how her mother came to warn her about the Angels taking her powers.

''Why are you here?'' Clary asked, sceptical. ''Can't a mum be there for her daughter?'' Jocelyn replied, looking confused at Clary's response. ''Nuriel was here only minutes ago. It can't be that you're here willingly. Nuriel gave me until tomorrow.'' Jocelyn sighed as she sat down on Clary's bed, tapping the empty spot next to her for Clary to sit down. She refused, standing on her feet in front of her mum. ''Why are you here?'' she repeated her earlier asked question.

''Look, I just want you to be happy, honey. And sometimes happiness requires sacrifice.'' Clary scoffed, looking at her mum. ''You sound just like Valentine.'' Jocelyn sighed, getting back up. ''You need to think about your future, Clary. Can you live a future living lies and uncertainty? Is that fair to Jace? Can you truly be happy with him when you're stuck in this hell for the rest of your life?'' Clary put her hands on her ears, not wanting to hear it. Jocelyn removed her daughter's hands, forcing her to look at her. ''Clary, you can't love and be loved when your life is built on pain and worry. You must let Jace go, it's the only way.''

''Get out!'' Clary yelled, pushing her mum away. Rebecca of course heard her scream, running towards Clary's door, which was locked. ''Clary! What's wrong? Open the door!'' Clary sank down to the ground, her hands covering her ears as her mother kept talking to her. ''Break the engagement, sacrifice your love for a life worth living.'' Clary sobbed, tears falling on her pants. ''I can't... I can't give up on Jace. I can't. I won't.'' Jocelyn kneeled next to her daughter, close to her ear. ''Then you'll lose your memories, and Jace. And you'll be left with nothing. Just like it was before.''

Jace managed to open the door, portaled back after he got Rebecca's phone call. Rebecca stood behind him, worried, her phone in her hand. ''Clary!'' Jace rushed over to her, looking at her with pure worry. She slowly removed her hands, looking up at Jace. She looked straight into his eyes. She knew that if she didn't sacrifice for what she wanted, what she wanted would be the sacrifice. And she wanted answers, she wanted to keep her memories. At least Jace would still be in them. ''Jace, I... I can't marry you.''

It was as if Jace's heart stopped beating, the world stopped turning, time stood still. He couldn't believe he heard those words coming out of her mouth, not after she had been so excited when he asked. She was sincere, and she wasn't just saying this. ''Clary, what makes you say that? Who was in here? Was it Nuriel?'' Clary shook her head, drying her tears, clearing her throat. ''No, Jace, I think marrying you would be a mistake.'' Jace shook his head, putting his hands on her cheeks. ''Clary, what happened? Who spoke to you?'' Clary pushed his hands away. ''I should go.'' She got up, taking the ring off, putting it down on her desk.

A single tear rolled down her cheek, dying on the inside as this wasn't what she wanted. But she knew it was the only way. Jace walked over to her, stopping her from walking away from him. ''Clary, I don't understand, I really don't.'' For a second he was afraid a demon had possessed her, maybe Lilith had returned. No, that was impossible. He wasn't making any sense himself either. Rebecca stood there, letting Clary pass as she didn't know what to do. She stared at Jace who looked at the ring on the desk, his heart shattering into a thousand pieces.

''Clary, hey, where are you going?'' Izzy asked her, passing by Clary as she went towards the exit. ''Shouldn't you stay in your room?'' Clary stopped in her tracks, turning around slowly. ''I'm leaving, don't come after me,'' she said. She went towards the doors, leaving through them. Izzy was confused, walking over to Clary's room where she found Rebecca trying to comfort Jace. ''What happened?'' she asked, looking at Jace holding the engagement ring in his hand. ''She... she broke up with me.'' Izzy's face fell, walking over to him, wrapping him in a hug. ''Maybe it's the Angels who got into her mind again.'' Jace shook his head, crying. ''No... she, she sounded sincere. She said it like she meant it.'' Izzy hugged him even tighter, rubbing his back, letting him cry.

''I did what you asked!'' Clary yelled, standing in the middle of the park, behind her the New York Institute. She looked up at the sky, as if the Angel was gonna lower himself down to her. She knew she was given a day, but no matter when she'd break the engagement, it was still gonna hurt, unlike anything she had ever felt. It didn't take long before Angel Nuriel appeared in front of her. ''Clary Fairchild, the answers you seek will be given to you. What's wrong with you, is...''

To be continued...

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