Season 4: episode 7 ''Hope of becoming a memory'' (Part 2)

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Jonathan stared in utter disbelief at Clary and the Edom fire consuming her, the black wings protruding from her back. She hovered in the air and had an evil smirk on her face, something that made him shudder. ''If I can't have you the way I want you, no one can,'' she said, raising her hands in the air. ''Clary, wait!'' He remembered how she had 'killed' him before when her angelic wings surrounded his demonic ones, and somehow, he thought he could do that too.

Concentrating hard, his forehead vein shown, he tried pushing the wings out of his back, to no avail. Clary saw his face and laughed. ''You fool. The cage you're trapped in draws all the angelic essence away from you. It's only a matter of time before you dissolve into dust.'' He looked down at his feet, seeing a tiny bit of sand near his big toe. ''Clary,'' a female voice said. Jonathan gasped as he hadn't heard that voice since he was a baby. He stared at the ghostly figure of their mother.

She walked closer to Jonathan's cage, stopping right in front of him. ''It's you, it's really you.'' She moved her hand through the bar, touching his cheek. For some odd reason, despite her having dumped him, he leaned against it. ''Mum...'' She smiled at him, nodding. And for a moment, it felt like they were the only two people in the world. Mother and son, reunited at last. A slow applauding came from behind them, and Jocelyn turned around to stare at her demonic daughter.

''Very cute, this whole scene you're playing in front of me,'' she said, lowering herself to the ground. Once her feet touched the ground, the fire around her disappeared. ''But do you really think I'm buying this pathetic performance? You hate him, mum.'' Jocelyn held Jonathan's hand. ''I did. But that was before I saw him purified, the son he should've been without your father's experiments.'' She didn't let go of Jonathan, refusing to give up on him. ''You don't get to kill him, Clary, not like this. I don't even know who you are anymore.''

Clary scoffed, her full black eyes staring into nothingness, looking past her mother. ''Clary, listen to me,'' Jocelyn spoke, ''the Angels made a grave mistake. They can't make it right, only you can.'' Clary's dark eyes found her mother's once more, and she spat. ''They can burn in hell for all I care. They abandoned me, left me to die! Took away what was rightfully mine!'' The fire around her erupted once more, and it came dangerously close to where Jonathan and Jocelyn were. ''No!'' Jocelyn yelled, stepping in front of the cage.

The fire engulfed her, burning her alive. Despite her being an Angelic soul, she could still feel pain. And she could still die. Clary felt no sympathy for her when she began screaming, neither when Jonathan begged Clary to stop this. He was finally given a second chance to get to learn about his mother, to receive the love he had missed out on, and Clary took that from him. The Angelic wings protruded from his back, ripping the cage apart as he was too big to stay inside. Raising his hand, he shot an Angelic ray of light at the fire, extinguishing it.

Jocelyn fell to the ground, covered in three-degree burns. Jonathan's eyes were completely white, radiating an Angelic light that overpowered Clary's darkness for a second. Yet she met his attack halfway, her Demonic light intertwining with his Angelic. The amount of empowerment went back and forth, both equally strong. When it went to overpower Jonathan for a second, he used even more of his power to push it back towards Clary, who did the same. Eventually, one of them had to run out of power. Or perhaps both.

Alec gasped awake in bed, looking at Magnus sound asleep. He had yet another pounding headache and left the bed to get some fresh air. He walked out onto the balcony, looking at the full moon shining a bit of light on Alicante. He sighed softly as he leaned with his elbows on the balcony railing. Ever since he and Magnus had come back home, he had felt a lot better. And yet now he felt the same throbbing feeling in his skull as if someone was drilling a hole in his brain. He held his he with his hands, massaging his temples. Perhaps that'd help.

''Aaah!'' he yelled, falling to the ground once more, the balcony doors behind him closed so no one could reach him. He began screaming, feeling like he was burning. The heat surrounding him was uncanny, his flesh began squelching from all sides. Yet when he looked down, he saw nothing happening to his skin, only the sounds, and feeling. He heard pounding on the window behind him and knew it was Magnus. Of course, he had woken him up.

Alec tried with all his might to tell himself it was just a vision, something that wasn't real. But it felt all too real to him. ''Please... save... my daughter...'' He heard a female's voice, and yet it was different than the girl's voice he had heard earlier that day. ''Daughter? Whose daughter?'' he managed to ask, yet didn't receive an answer as the barrier got broken through by Magnus' power, who rushed to his husband. ''Alec!'' He threw his arms around his husband, shuddering in his arms. He was breathing heavily, his face gaunt.

Magnus didn't let go of him, kept hugging him as if he was the barrier protecting Alec from whatever was trying to reach him. A part of him wanted to shove Magnus away to receive the message, yet the other part of him was grateful to not have to endure that pain anymore. Magnus brought him inside, keeping the barrier made by the spell intact the entire time they moved. Once they had made it back to the bed, he expanded the barrier to make sure their whole bedroom was safe. Alec lay down on the bed, shivering, yet he wasn't cold. He was burning.

Magnus touched his forehead. ''You're running a fever,'' he said, wanting to leave to get him some medicine, yet Alec took his hand, stopping him from leaving. He pulled him back to the bed. ''We're looking for someone's daughter.'' Magnus raised an eyebrow at him and sat down. ''Izzy's at the Institute, safe and sound. And Madzie's sound asleep in her bed.'' Alec nodded, trying to think of who else it could be. ''Simon's sister?'' Magnus shook his head. ''No, Simon spoke to her today, she's fine.''

Alec hated not having the faintest clue about who they were looking for. And he hated it even more that he was worrying Magnus with these visions he was receiving. The ones that felt way too real for comfort. Magnus rubbed his hand. ''Just get some sleep, okay? I'll get you some medicine, and then we'll talk about it in the morning.'' He covered Alec in the blankets, yet he threw them off almost immediately. ''That burns!'' he said, his voice raised. Magnus touched his skin, using his inner Warlock magic to try and get a glimpse of what Alec was experiencing.

''You're not running a fever... the one reaching out to you is on fire...'' He tried breaking the connection, the tether that kept Alec to that sensation, but Alec stopped him. ''Don't... I'm trying to find answers, and if this is the way to gather them, so be it.'' Magnus shook his head. ''I can't let you be in this much pain, Alec. I don't care who's trying to reach out to you, it has to stop. Now.'' Despite Alec's efforts to stop Magnus, he performed a spell that broke the connection. Alec gasped once it had dissolved, then broke out sobbing. Despite Magnus' efforts to help him, Alec was left with this feeling that he had failed the person trying to break through to him to ask for help. Magnus had never seen Alec cry before, and this made him even more worried about the mental state Alec was pulled into.

To be continued...

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