Season 4: episode 5 ''A love (un)dying'' (Part 3)

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The bell to the conduit's shop rang once Clary entered. The young woman behind the counter looked up. ''Hello, what can I help you with?'' she asked politely. Clary knew this was the same place Alec had visited to talk with Asmodeus. Despite the older woman being gone, there was a replacement. Perhaps, she was family. ''I know what went down here last time when one... a Shadowhunter, came in. But I really need your help. It's... a life-or-death situation,'' she lied. Best to be straightforward with all she got.

The woman looked her up and down, sighing audibly. ''Fine, but things have changed since last time.'' She sat Clary down on a chair, in front of her a glass sphere. ''What's gonna happen is that I'll summon whoever you want from Edom, but you'll only be able to hear their voice, not see them. It's a much safer way to conjure up a demon.'' Clary just nodded, giving her payment, to which the woman sat down across from her. ''Put your hands on the sphere, and repeat after me.'' Clary nodded, repeating the words ''te nomine vero soloque evoco.''

It didn't take that long before Lilith's voice could be heard via the glass sphere. It began glowing gold, something the woman hadn't seen before, yet stayed quiet about it. ''What do you want now?'' she asked angrily. Clary took a deep breath, staring deeply into the sphere, almost as if she could in fact see Lilith. ''I want to know why you made a deal with the Angels to forbid me marrying Jace.'' Lilith's maniacal laugh could be heard all over the room, and it took about thirty seconds before she stopped.

''What makes you think I'd tell you? After everything, you've done to me? Turning my own son against me, banishing me back to this hell, almost killing me with your friend Isabelle. And the list goes on and on and on.'' Clary looked at her arms where her Runes used to be, then back at the sphere. ''As if you're the only one who's suffered. I'm pretty sure you know what the Angels have done to me.'' She laughed again. ''Oh, but I have. All the more reason to do it now while you're at your weakest.''

Clary took another deep breath, trying to stay calm. ''What have they promised you? Why make a deal with them?'' Lilith sighed audibly; the shop's floor began shaking. ''If you really want answers, Clary Fairchild, I suggest you come down here so we can talk in person.'' Clary didn't know what to say to that, didn't think anything bad of it. Little did she know Lilith's true intentions. ''I can't, I'm not exactly in the position where I can create a connection as I have before.'' Lilith chuckled softly. ''Don't worry, they gave me a way to let Shadowhunters, and humans, come down here. That's part of the deal we've made.''

The woman across from Clary tried to break the connection, removing Clary's hands. But not before Clary agreed to it, being just too late to stop her. Right where Clary was seated, her chair began creating a portal to Edom. And while being burnt to the core, Clary disappeared through the portal, leaving nothing but an empty chair behind.

Alec was hidden just outside the woman's shop, recognising the place all too well. He had waited until Clary would leave her apartment after closing the door behind him. And as he stood there, trying to see what was going on inside, he felt the ground shake. Before he could phantom what it was or meant, he saw the biggest lightning reach his eyes, blinding him almost entirely. Getting his eyesight back, he rushed inside, finding an empty chair and a distressed woman. ''Where is she? The girl who was just here?''

The woman couldn't speak, had never seen that happen before. Whatever the Angels had given Lilith, it made her ten times as stronger. ''I... I protect my clients,'' she spoke, stammering. ''I can't give away any credential information.'' Alec looked her straight in the eye. ''You're a Warlock, not a Seelie. I know when you're lying.'' She swallowed, steering away from him. ''I swear I can't tell you anything. It's an oath I took before taking over this place. Everything that happens within these four walls stays within these four walls.'' Alec came closer, ignoring her trying to get away from him. ''Tell me what was being said before she disappeared. A person doesn't just disappear like that. What have you done to her? Who was she talking to?''

The Warlock grew visibly terrified, making herself disappear with a snap of her fingers. Alec was left behind with nothing but questions, swearing under his breath. Something he normally didn't do, but he couldn't help it. He called Magnus, telling him where he was. Perhaps he could shine some light on what happened down here.

Jace stared at his ceiling, thinking about something. Or someone. Though he couldn't think back on what he was actually thinking about. It was almost like whatever he was thinking about disappeared in the blink of an eye. Simon entered his room, not bothering to knock. ''Hey, ready for our training?'' Jace looked at him, nodding slowly. He knew he felt depressed earlier, but all of that seemed to have washed away completely. ''Yeah, I'll be there in a sec.'' Still wondering about what he was thinking about earlier, and why he could remember feeling depressed, he got dressed.

Entering the training hall, Izzy stood there, leaning against the wall. ''All right boys, show me how far you two have come.'' Jace laughed at her, shaking his head. ''You're really gonna test my skills?'' She shrugged. ''Well, I have to test Simon's. Might as well test yours while we're at it.'' He raised his hands in the air, taking a stance. They began fighting, moving around the room like they were dancing.

Magnus arrived at the shop, looking around. ''This place needs a whole new set of designing,'' he said, looking disgusted at the stuff surrounding him. ''And this a Warlock, you say? Definitely, the least fashionable one I've ever met.'' Alec took his hand, dragging him towards the table where Clary was seated. ''We can talk about all of that later, but this is important right now.'' Magnus nodded, looking at the empty table and glass sphere. ''So, why am I here?'' Alec sighed, beginning to explain why he was here in the first place. Though at the tenth mention of Clary's name, Magnus stopped him. ''Wait a minute, who's this Clary you keep talking about?''

Alec stood perplexed, almost thinking Magnus was joking and stalling. But he seemed genuinely confused. ''You know, Clary? Jace's girlfriend? Clary Fairchild?'' Magnus looked at him, grabbing his hand. ''Are you feeling okay, Alec? Jace never had a girlfriend.'' Alec raised an eyebrow at him. ''Well, technically not, no, because her memories got erased. But she came back, remember? You made a soundproof room for her because each sound she heard made her forget everything again.'' Magnus shook his head. ''I've never done any of that. Have you hit your head with one of these books that are dangerously laid? Because that wouldn't surprise me, honestly. I myself would never place the books like—'' Alec put a finger on his mouth. ''Magnus,'' he said, sounding serious. ''You really don't remember any girl with ginger hair?'' Magnus shook his head, to which Alec ran out. He had to find Jace.

To be continued...

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