Season 4: episode 5 ''A love (un)dying'' (Part 2)

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''What?'' Clary had asked confused, almost in a gaze after hearing what Nuriel had told her. ''But how's that possible? How could they do that?'' Nuriel sighed, looking out at the Institute she had just left. ''When they erased your memories, Lilith had managed to find a way through via Edom, threatening the Angels to either give up your memories to her, or let her decimate one of us she had claimed to have captured. Despite them not believing her at first, there was in fact one Angel missing. Even more so they believed her once she showed what she had done to the Angel.''

She shook her head, refused to believe the Angels would make a deal with the Queen of Hell, especially considering she was still a descendent of the Shadowhunters bloodline, and part Angel too. ''How can they do that to someone who's also part Angel? I'm technically one of them.'' Nuriel began fading, he had been on earth for far too long. ''Not really, Clary, not after having lost your memories and Runes in the first place. You're nothing but just a person to them.'' She grew angrier, her fists clenched. ''And let me guess, she's the one trying to separate me and Jace?'' He raised his arms. ''I don't know that much about their deal. I'm the wrong Angel to ask.''

She watched as he began ascending towards the sky, standing directly below him. ''So, that's it? Lilith has my memories and can do with them whatever she wants? So, all this time, it hasn't only been the Angels making my life complete hell, but her too?'' Nuriel had already faded, not giving an answer to her last question asked. Furious, she walked towards the only place she could remember being her home, a simple apartment she rented downtown, a little away from the art gallery she owned. Though her memories had been restored from her past, she also still remembered what had happened in the now, and only there could she really think in peace about all that she had just learned.

Back at the Institute, Alec had entered Jace's room, who was lying on his bed. ''I came as soon as I could,'' he said, not mentioning Izzy had called him. He felt something through their Parabatai bond, but couldn't quite put his finger on it. With Izzy's phone call, he could only imagine what his Parabatai was going through. ''Something must be amiss with her,'' he said, almost repeating his sister's words. ''Maybe whatever's wrong with her is caused by the Angels. We know they're the reason she's forgetting, right?''

Jace shrugged, looking like he almost didn't care anymore. It was the most down Alec had ever seen him since he thought he had lost Clary. Twice. Not the same type of down, but something close to it. Technically, he had lost a third time. ''I can ask Magnus to make her speak the truth? See if what she's saying is...'' Jace interrupted him. ''No, none of that. I looked straight into her eyes, and I saw pure honesty. She really doesn't want to be with me.'' He had told it himself so many times since she had left, that he really started to believe it. Almost as if there was no other truth but that, and he could barely believe that it could be wrong.

''I know you, Jace, and I know you're lying right now. I don't know if you do it willingly or subconsciously, but you are. To me, and yourself.'' Jace ignored him, still lying on his back, staring at the ceiling. His favourite position to lie in whenever he was thinking. ''Where did she go to?'' He shrugged again, seemed to not even care anymore. Whatever Lilith had planned, it seemed to have worked. Without a love-breaking potion this time. ''To her apartment, I think.'' Alec took his hand, forced him to sit up. ''Then you're going there, and you're gonna ask for the truth. Period.''

Jace pulled his hand back, looking annoyed. ''I just told you that I don't wanna see her. She was clear with her message. She doesn't wanna marry me.'' He slumped back down into his pillow, putting his left arm underneath his head. Alec wasn't gonna let this slip, and if Jace wouldn't go to her place, he would. Without saying anything else, he left Jace's room, heading straight to Clary's apartment after asking Simon for her address. Despite him wanting to know why Alec wanted to know it, he had a feeling why he wanted it. He eventually gave it to Alec as he too believed the two shouldn't break up like that.

He knocked on her door, not bothered to ring the bell. And it wasn't a gentle knock, it was a loud one, almost sounding like a bang. ''Who's there?'' he heard on the inside. ''Alec.'' The door wasn't opened, it stayed shut. ''Why are you here?'' He rolled his eyes. ''Isn't it obvious? To talk.'' Still, no movement. Alec took out his Stele, using the Shadowhunter Rune to open the door. ''Excuse you, who gave you the right to use that Rune on my house?'' He smirked a little, stepping inside. ''I just did.''

He hadn't seen her apartment before, and it didn't look like something the real Clary would pick. Sure, she was into art, but this almost seemed a bit too much. He knew what her old room looked like, and this was nowhere near close to a resemblance. ''Why did you tell Jace you didn't wanna get married? I know it's not true.'' She remained calm, kept her poker face. ''Well, it is. And if he sent you here, you can leave the way you came.'' She didn't even look at him as she went back towards an unfinished painting, picking up her brush. He stood next to her, took it from her, and made her look at him. ''I refuse to believe that. I know the love you two have for each other. It can't just fade like that after you've said you wanted to marry him. There's more to it.''

She tried to take the brush back, but he was taller, and she couldn't reach it. ''I made a mistake saying yes, okay? Now let me work. I've got a painting to finish.'' He shook his head. ''I won't give it back until you've told me the truth.'' She groaned audibly, turning around in frustration. ''What do you want me to say, Alec? That I realised that after not having had my memories for one whole year and having lived without them, that I still have the same feelings for him? Well, guess what, I don't. They're gone.''

He shook his head again, still holding the brush. ''No matter what happened between you two, you always found each other back, at the same level of love. I don't know what's going on, but something's not right. The Clary I know wants to marry him.'' She scoffed. ''Then you don't know me, Alec. Can you please leave now?'' He looked into her eyes, and somehow, he still didn't believe her, despite her eyes being realistically deceiving. He raised his hands in the air, giving her the brush back. He then went towards the door. ''Whatever it is, I'll find out.'' It was the last thing he said before she quickly closed the door behind him, sinking down to the ground while leaning against it.

She began sobbing, burying her head in between her legs, her legs pulled up towards her, and her arms wrapped around them. ''I'd do anything to break this curse...'' she said, whispering while crying. ''And there's only one way to do so...'' She looked up, wiped away her tears, and got up. ''I have to pay Lilith a visit.'' She went towards the door, made sure Alec was gone, and went to find a conduit that could summon Lilith for her.

To be continued...

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