Season 4: episode 8 ''Memory found'' (Part 2)

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''Clary?'' Alec asked, looking over at Magnus. ''Clary... Clary Fairchild.'' Magnus looked back at both as he said her full name out loud, smiling to himself. ''The tiny Shadowhunter girl whose memories I erased, the girl who came here asking for my help trying to save her stepdad, Luke.'' Jace hadn't said a thing, hadn't looked up once as they were discussing the memories slowly coming back to them. ''She sacrificed herself numerous times to save us,'' Alec said, thinking back to how she went to stop her brother Jonathan all by herself and was punished for it.

''The Angels... they did this.'' Alec looked down at Jace saying that, seeing the tears welling up in his eyes. ''They've been quiet for way too long. There must be a reason for that. They must be ashamed of what they've done to Clary. To us. To me.'' Magnus tried to make contact with the Angels, but no one responded. ''Nothing?'' Magnus shook his head. ''We must try and get in touch with them. They know where Clary is. We gotta find her.'' He wanted to get up and leave, though Alec's hand stopped him from leaving. ''I think I know where she is.''

Down in Edom, Clary had found Lilith trying to break through Jonathan's shield, the one shielding him and their dead mother. Watching from a safe distance, Clary began thinking about how to handle this. ''I could attack her head on... or create a diversion. Either way, I gotta get Jonathan out of harm's way...'' She looked around for anything she could use, though her resistance to the Demonic side caused her powers to subside. She knew she didn't have much time. ''Head on it is.'' She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and found all the remaining Demonic power in her body.

''Lilith!'' she yelled, shooting a fireball at her. ''Get the hell away from my family!'' Jonathan's shield weakened for a split second as he heard his sister's voice, smiling as he had found a way to breach through the hold Lilith had on her. That moment of weakness was one Lilith used to her advantage, striking Jonathan. He screamed in pain, dropping to the ground. Clary's anger heightened, sending a huge surge of fire Lilith's way. Trying to dodge that, she managed to dodge most of the impact, though not all.

Rushing to her brother as Lilith was stunned, Clary checked up on his wounds. ''Forget about me,'' he said, grunting, ''focus on ending this once and for all. I'll be fine.'' She looked at their mother, then at Jonathan shaking his head with teary eyes. ''I tried everything I could, but she didn't make it. Don't let her death be in vain, Clary. Show Lilith who the Fairchilds really are.'' He grabbed her hand, gifting her the tiny bit of Angelic power he had left to fight with. Combining that with her Demonic power, turned her into a war machine.

She turned around slowly, her eyes on fire, her body surging with the combined powers. Lilith stared at her in disbelief, crumpling to the ground. ''Clary, please, let's talk this through, okay? It doesn't need to end this way,'' she tried, crawling backwards. ''Listen, I've gifted you your powers, remember? I'm the one you should be thankful for.'' Clary came closer, slowly, step by step, her whole body on fire, rays of sunlight hanging over her. ''I owe you nothing,'' she said, raising her hands in the air. ''But you? You owe me your life.''

Right as she wanted to strike, Lilith had recharged, hitting Clary with a powerful surge. Clary was sent flying, hitting the ground hard. Her body was smoking, her eyes were closed. ''Clary!'' Jonathan yelled, crawling over to her with all his might. ''Clary, no, no wake up. Come on Clary, wake up!'' He hit her cheek and shook her, but nothing worked. He heard Lilith's footsteps and maniacal laughter getting closer to them, hugging Clary as a means to protect her. ''You're not getting to her,'' he said, ''you'll have to get through me first.''

''You sure you want this?'' Alec asked Jace, as he, Izzy, and Magnus stood hand-in-hand in a circle. ''Yes, I do. I want to get Clary out of Edom. If Magnus and I will find the connection Clary made for us a few years back, we can do this. And you and Izzy will be here keeping an eye out on our bodies.'' Alec and Izzy exchanged worried looks, but both nodded. They wanted Clary back too. Magnus and Jace gave each other a nod before Magnus began chanting a Latin spell. Jace felt the connection resurfacing he once had with Meliorn, now replaced by Magnus. Alec and Izzy watched as their bodies stood perfectly still, their eyes closed, and their hearts beating irregularly.

Lilith delivered a massive blow to Jonathan's back, making him scream in agony. He breathed hard and irregularly, fighting to keep his eyes open. He wasn't gonna give up this fight so easily. ''Hold... on...'' he whispered to Clary, holding her hand. ''Take... everything... from me.'' He touched her cheek with his free hand. ''Take all the power... you feel left in me... and end this... once and for all.'' Thinking he had nothing left, he prayed to the Angels he had enough left for her to use, enough for her to wake up. And she did.

She opened her eyes, looking at Jonathan who smiled weakly, coughing. ''Don't leave me,'' she whispered back, taking his hand in hers. ''Stay.'' He nodded weakly, then got pushed aside by Clary floating in the air. Lilith looked up at Clary, smirking. ''I knew the fight wasn't over yet,'' she said, joining Clary in the air. Both looked each other dead in the eyes. ''You've taken everything from me,'' Clary said, holding her hands behind her back. ''You took my memories, my powers, my friends, my family. My love.'' Her hands were burning up, powering up without Lilith noticing. ''You ruined my chances of restoring my memories. You ruined the Angels and what they stand for.'' She felt the anger in her reaching its climax, but she wasn't done yet. She needed and wanted more.

''Me? And you didn't take anything from me?'' she asked, laughing sarcastically. ''You took my son from me, my home, my chances of becoming the Queen once and for all.'' She got closer to Clary, still unaware of what Clary's powers were doing. ''You really think you're the hero? I still have more power here than you ever will, Clary, because this is my world. This is where I was born.'' Clary smirked, nodding slowly. ''Sure, you've got a point in that. But you've forgotten one tiny detail.'' Lilith saw the fire in Clary's eyes, brighter and fiercer than ever. She tried backing up, but it was too late.

''You forgot what you've given me before.''

Clary's spread her arms wide, moving her head back before throwing it forward, releasing every single stream of power she had been building up. A huge flash blinded Jonathan, forced to shield his eyes in order to not go blind. He watched in horror as Lilith's body was consumed in flames, screaming at the top of her lungs as her flesh was burning away, her bones turning to ashes. Disappearing for good.

Watching as Lilith's final existence burned to nothingness, he looked at Clary's body smoking, smoking like it had never before. He knew what was about to happen and forced himself to reach her before she fell down right into his arms. Her body was hot, burning his hands, but he didn't care. ''Clary, hey,'' he said, listening to her heartbeat, which was faint. ''Clary, open your eyes for me, please.'' He ignored her burning body causing burns on his hands, trying to wake her with all his might. ''Clary, come on, don't do this,'' he pleaded, tears rolling down his cheeks, landing on her body. The tears burned immediately. ''Clary! Please don't do this!'' he cried, sobbing.

At that moment, he heard footsteps behind him and turned around to find Jace in tears arriving at the scene unfolding in front of him. ''...C... Clary...?''

To be continued... for the last time...

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