Season 4: episode 7 ''Hope of becoming a memory'' (Part 1)

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Upon arriving home, Magnus made him and Alec some alcoholic drinks, feeling the need to drink this day away. Alec seemed to think the same way, grabbing the glass eagerly, drinking it all in one go. He put the glass down, to which Magnus stared at it. ''Well, I see we're gonna need more of that.'' He took his glass to refill it, yet Alec stopped him. ''No, just leave it.'' Magnus nodded and sat down next to Alec, looking worried. ''What's going on with you? What are those memories?'' Alec sighed, burying his head in his hands. ''I don't know. I only know that I can't get this girl out of my head.'' Magnus looked serious for a second, then laughed. ''A girl? Should I be worried?'' Alec shook his head. ''No, not like that, it's—'' Magnus stopped him. ''I was just messing with you.''

Alec's headache began to worsen again, his face showing a grimace of pain. Magnus wanted to do something, but Alec dismissed his help. ''I need to see the Silent Brothers.'' Magnus took his hands in his. ''I don't think that's a good idea, Alec. There's barely any of them left after...'' He sighed. ''Unless you want me to call upon Brother Zachariah.'' Alec nodded. Magnus trusted him, and that meant that Alec trusted him too. Magnus nodded and with a snap, he made a portal appear. ''Let's go.'' Alec looked at him. ''You mean right now?'' Magnus nodded, extending his hand. ''Yes, now.'' Alec sighed and took his hand, stepping through the portal with him.

Appearing in front of Brother Zachariah, he looked to both. He no longer had the Quietude rune, and since he had met up with Magnus before to erase his memories of Alec, he had stopped following the Rune rule. He immediately knew something was off with Alec and approached him. ''Sometimes the harder you try to forget something, the more you seem to remember it.'' Alec looked at Magnus, then back at him. ''But that's the thing, I'm not trying to forget something. I'm trying to remember it.'' Brother Zachariah dismissed him, raising his hand. ''You're forgetting something worth remembering, and yet you remember something worth forgetting.''

Alec tried to be patient, though the words coming out of Brother Zachariah's mouth didn't make much sense to him. Magnus noticed and took Alec's hand in his, squeezing it. ''He's having a headache because of it, and I want to know what I can do to help him,'' he said sincerely. Brother Zachariah slowly turned to Magnus, keeping his advisable demeanour. ''You can't. He must remember. That's the only remedy.'' Magnus looked at Alec. ''You mean that he just has to endure that in order to stop it?'' Brother Zachariah nodded. ''He's trying to remember someone loved by many, yet he's trying to remember someone he has never met.''

Alec grew annoyed at these riddles, turning around, proceeding to walk away. That was, until he got a sharp pain in his head, making him fall to the ground. He heard whispers, loud screams, a girl's voice. ''Alec!'' It wasn't only Magnus' voice calling out to him, it was also this girl's voice. While Magnus tried to reach him, he was being stopped by an unknown source. Yet surrounding Alec, was an Angel. ''Alexander Lightwood,'' the voice spoke, ''you must righten what has been done wrong.'' Alec looked up, yet saw no Angel. He felt its presence, but there was no shadow.

Upon being released by its grip, Magnus broke through the barrier and rushed towards his husband, holding him tightly in his arms. ''You're okay, you're okay,'' he told Alec, rubbing his back. Alec had no idea who the girl's voice was that called out to him, yet her voice was familiar. Magnus helped him back up on his feet and they returned home so Magnus could see to his every need.

Clary looked over at Jonathan's hands spread out, anger shown in her eyes. ''Why did you show me him? Why did you let me call out to him?'' In all honesty, Jonathan had no idea how he had done that in the first place, and why he called out to Alec. He tried to reach Jace, but something blocked him. ''How did you even do that?'' Clary asked, clutching her head. ''I saw him... with his Warlock husband...'' She looked at Jonathan. ''I don't know,'' he answered honestly, lowering his hands. Lilith walked over to them; her eyes filled with fury. ''What's going on here?'' Clary knew she'd punish Jonathan if she knew, and stood up, pretending to be fine. ''Nothing. We were just... having a talk.'' She smiled innocently to Lilith, yet her eyes darted to Jonathan who tried to walk away.

''Not another step,'' Lilith commanded, to which Jonathan stopped in his tracks. She turned around slowly and walked over to him, smirking. ''You really think I didn't see that? I'm the Queen of Edom, I see everything that happens here.'' She raised her hand to slap him again, yet Clary stopped her. ''It was an accident. He had no idea what he was doing.'' Lilith looked back and forth between the two of them, scoffing at Clary. ''First, you hated him, and now you're protecting him? As if living down here isn't bad enough.'' She lowered her hand and brushed past both. ''Another situation like this, and I'll send him back where he belongs.'' She let them be, returning to her plans.

Clary looked at Jonathan, sighing deeply. She turned around, yet Jonathan took her by the hand. ''Listen, Clary, this is the second time I've been revived, and—'' Clary stopped him, knowing what he was gonna say. ''You're my brother. No matter what you were before, or are now, we Fairchild's ought to stick together.'' She touched his chest, digging her nails into his chest, making the same Twinning rune like Lilith had done earlier. Jonathan gasped as he felt the Demon blood re-entering his bloodstream.

He fought hard to try and resist it, and yet her combined Angelic and Demonic energy weren't stronger than his now pure Angelic energy. Something about him being purified made him stronger than ever before. She felt resistance applying the Rune to his skin and stepped back, watching as the Rune faded. ''No...'' She looked at him. ''That's impossible, it... it should work.'' Jonathan did still feel the pain, yet the burning sensation was gone. ''What did I do wrong? It worked when Lilith tried to connect us...''

He somehow knew the answer to that, yet decided not to share. ''Maybe because you're not pure Demon. You're still an Angel.'' She shook her head. ''No, I'm not. The Angels took my Angelic powers.'' He knew that there was still some of that energy left in her, he could feel it. He just had to find a way to let it resurface and take over what she was before she became... this. ''I can't protect you if it doesn't work,'' she said, her voice cracking. ''I don't want you to.'' He stepped further away from her. ''I know Lilith will kill me sooner or later. Might as well let her do that now.'' He turned around and wanted to walk away, yet was met with resistance.

Looking behind him, he saw Clary's Demonic black wings, looking down at him with lifeless black eyes. ''I said no!'' She made a cage appear around him, trapping him inside. He touched the bars, yet his hands burned immediately upon touching the metal. He gasped as he looked at her, not having seen this before. Not even Lilith was capable of doing that. Whatever was going on with Clary, she seemed to be a bigger threat than Lilith had ever been. He stared at her in fear, watching the fire around her becoming a part of her.

To be continued...

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