Season 4: episode 4 ''Unseen secrets'' (Part 3)

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After getting Luke's blessing, Jace was up early the next morning to ready himself for a quick trip to Alicante. He wanted to bring Alec the news in person, not via a fire message. He felt Clary's arms wrapping around his waist, kissing his neck. ''You're up early.'' He turned around and smiled at her. ''Gotta tell my best man that he's got a job to do,'' he joked. She shook her head. ''You know you can have two, right? I know you'd like Simon too.'' Jace looked at her, ready to comment on it, but he didn't. She was right. Ever since she left and Alec did too, he and Simon had gotten a lot closer.

''What about you? Are you okay with having only one maid of honour if I have two best men?'' Clary chuckled as she looked at him. ''Have you forgotten that I used to hang out with Simon's sister? I'm sure she'd love to be a part of this.'' He nodded, he had honestly forgotten about Rebecca, even though she had been there during the remembrance ceremony for Clary a year ago. ''I've invited her over today so she can keep an eye out on me. Simon's out to deal with a vampire matter and Izzy's busy all day, so I figured that this was a good excuse to ask her.'' He nodded as he hugged her. ''And if there's anything, anything at all, you call me. Okay?'' She nodded. ''Of course, you're the first one I'll call.'' He kissed her before he left her room, still not feeling entirely reassured.

''Clary!'' Rebecca rushed inside as she wasn't given the chance yet to see Clary after her return. She hugged her tight. ''It's good to see you too, Becky,'' she chuckled as Rebecca stepped away after a second or two. ''Those bangs look good on you girl!'' Clary smiled as she looked at Rebecca's unchanged hair. ''And your... lipstick looks on point.'' Rebecca shook her head as she playfully nudged Clary. ''Worst compliment ever. I'm not even wearing any today, only lip gloss.'' She sat down on Clary's bed. ''So, I doubt you invited me over to just babysit you. What's the latest gossip?''

Clary smiled brightly as she showed her hand. Rebecca gasped at the ring. ''Oh my god! No way!'' She jumped up and down in excitement, clapping her hands. ''I bet you mum's gonna be so—'' She stopped midsentence. She kept forgetting that her mum had no idea about the Shadow World and could never know, considering she watched her own son feed on his sister. ''You know that she would've loved to join.'' Clary nodded. ''I know. How's she doing anyway?'' Rebecca shrugged. ''Just the usual, doing pretty good actually. Found a new job, is dating a new guy, drinks less.'' Clary smiled softly. ''That's good to hear.''

Rebecca nodded, then looked at the door. ''So, can I leave you alone for like a second? I gotta leave something in Simon's room before I forget.'' Clary nodded as Rebecca left. She sighed as she looked around her room, glad that Magnus honoured her wish to hide the sound-free ward that surrounded her room and make it look as if there was nothing other than her own stuff. She walked over to her desk to grab her sketchbook, until she heard someone lock her door. Not from the outside, however. She spun around as she stared at the Angel Nuriel who had visited her just yesterday. She dropped her sketchbook as she stared at him. ''How did you know we wanted to summon you?''

He just stared at her, the look in his eyes as if he was feeling guilty about something. She took a step closer. ''I don't have much time; there's only so little I can do before they notice I'm gone.'' He stepped forward. ''You want more answers, and there's only one way I can give you them. But that requires a sacrifice.'' She looked at him, then swallowed. That didn't sound good. ''What... what kind of sacrifice?'' she asked as she stammered. ''You can't marry Jace.'' She staggered backwards as she stared at her ring. ''What? Why, why not?'' He raised his hands in the air, dismissing her. ''I can't explain, I don't have enough time. But it's best for you not to, if you don't want your memories erased again.''

She shook her head. ''I can't do that. What am I supposed to tell him? The Angels forbid us to be together forever? That they only gave my memories back to play a twisted game with me?'' He sighed. ''You can't tell him that it's us who ordered you to break your engagement. It has to come from you.'' She gasped, took another step back until she hit the wall with her back. ''No... you can't let me do that. He'll never forgive me. He won't even believe me.'' Nuriel got closer to her. ''You must convince him that it's true, or else I can't risk what I'm about to tell you.'' She looked at him, doubts crept into her mind. She did want answers, but could she really break everything she finally got back with the love of her life? Then again, would she be able to live like this for the rest of her life, knowing she could've found the answers to fix her problems, but without Jace?

''I can't let you think on this, you have to decide now.'' She looked him straight in the eyes, a knock on the door startled her. ''Clary? Why's your door locked? Are you okay in there?'' Nuriel turned around as he heard the young woman's voice before looking back at her. ''I'll come back tomorrow, but it's the only chance you'll get.'' He began to disappear, but not before his warning echoed throughout her room. ''Remember, don't tell anybody about this, or the deal's off.'' And with that, he vanished.

Rebecca opened Clary's door with quite some force as she practically fell into her room. ''What the hell was that? Is that Magnus' magic or something?'' She noticed Clary's pale face and sat her down on the bed. ''Are you okay? You don't look so good.'' Clary looked at her, tears formed in her eyes. She couldn't tell Rebecca, she couldn't. But how was she ever gonna make this decision on her own? She needed advice. How could she ask for advice without saying actual words? Or would they still know? It was clear that they were smart, smarter than any other being in their world. ''Clary?'' Rebecca snapped her fingers in front of her eyes. ''Talk to me.''

Clary shook her head. ''I'm just... not feeling so great. I think I got food poisoning from yesterday's meal. I should probably go lie down,'' she excused herself as she curled up in bed. Rebecca had seen that kind of behaviour before, knew Clary was lying. She stayed put. ''Don't bottle up whatever's bothering you, Clary. That doesn't do anybody any good.'' She touched Clary's arm as a sign of support, but Clary pulled her arm away. ''I just really wanna be alone right now.'' Rebecca looked at her phone. ''I can ask someone else to come in if you don't want me here, I can call Simon—''

''No.'' Rebecca looked over at Clary. ''I really wanna be alone.'' She nodded slowly as she got up, though clearly worried about her. ''Okay, if that's what you really wish... I'll be in Simon's room if you need me, okay?'' She left and closed the door behind her. The second Clary knew she was alone, she began crying. She chewed on her lower lip as tears freely flowed down her face. She felt physically and mentally deadened by what the Angel had told her. Normally she would've loved a hug, but not this time. She had to do this on her own. Literally and figuratively.

To be continued...

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