Season 4: episode 2 ''A second chance'' (Part 2)

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Jace walks back into the Institute, clearly still upset by what had happened earlier. Simon seemed to be a little more joyous than he was the day before, smiling when he sees Jace. He knows Jace went on the date he had planned with Clary, and was curious to know how it went. ''Hey, how did it go?'' he asks as Jace just walks past him, not looking at him, not answering him. He goes straight to his room, and closes the door behind him. Simon is clearly bewildered as he knows all too well what that means. He has to find Izzy. He turns around and heads straight to her office.

Jace sits down on his bed, his head buried in his hands. It was like what happened back at the alternative universe. Every time she came close to the edge, forgot about her life in the present, a sudden sound pulled her back. It was as if that same thing happened now, as if that Clary got teleported in her present body, thinking she was an artist like she was, while the real Clary underneath the surface tried to swim up, but kept getting pulled down by the Angels hiding in the shadows. That was the only logical explanation as to why she stormed off like that.

He gets up and heads over to his desk, taking a pile of books, throwing them onto the ground. If only he had tried harder to fight for her consciousness to return to her own body, maybe then he would've made progress. There's a knock on his door. ''Jace?'' he hears Izzy ask. He doesn't want to open the door, but she lets herself in. Alec had returned to Alicante with Magnus, and so, she was the closest thing to a Parabatai he had. She notices the books on the floor and looks up at his red, puffy eyes. A tear rolls down his cheek when his eyes meet hers. She walks over to him and wraps him into a hug.

''What happened?'' she asks as she pulls away after a second or two, pulling him towards the bed with her, letting him sit down. He shakes his head, his hand trembles slightly. She takes his hand in hers, squeezing it. ''Remember that our emotions serve a purpose, and so does talking. Don't take this burden all on yourself, okay?'' He knew she was right, but he had always been a hard egg to crack. Only Clary managed to sometimes crack his shell, but not always. And sure, Alec did too, but differently. And rarely.

''I almost had her. But then she was pulled away from me, and I couldn't reach her. I lost her. Again.'' She makes him look at her. ''You never really lost her, Jace. She's still here, only not presently here.'' She puts her hand on his heart. He puts his hand on top of hers, taking it away. He gets back up. ''I just want to be alone, please.'' She gets up and walks over to him. ''I don't want you to be alone right now. Come to dinner with me and Simon.'' He shakes his head. Seeing them being all romantic would only make his own feelings worsen. ''I'm not gonna do anything, if that's what you're worried about'', he says, referring to the time he thought he had lost Clary for good. It wasn't exactly what she meant, but she nods. ''I know you won't.'' She squeezes his hand one last time before she grants his wish, leaving his room.


She goes back to Simon, pacing back and forth in the Institute. ''And? What did he say?'' She sighs softly as she closes her office door behind them. ''I'm afraid Clary is stuck in some sort of alternative universe. Not like the one she went in before, but something similar to it.'' Simon sits down, a defeated look on his face. He shakes his head slightly, not wanting to believe any of this. ''I'm scared'', he admits. He truly was. Izzy kneels in front of him. ''I am too. So, let's be scared together.'' He looks into her eyes, and nods. He forces on a smile as he gets up, leaving her confused. ''I'm gonna train some more, I'll see you before we head out for dinner.'' He opens the door and leaves. And as Izzy thinks further into it, she realises what he's gonna do. ''Simon!'' But he has already left the Institute.

When Simon arrives at her art gallery, he notices her through the window. She looks at herself in the mirror, specifically admiring her neck. Was she missing something? Did she know there used to be her Iratze rune? He takes a deep breath and walks inside. She hasn't noticed him yet as he walks over to her. ''Clary?'' She hears her name and turns around, looking at the boy standing in front of her. She doesn't seem to recognise him as she smiles. ''Did you come here to buy a painting? I'd happily show you around.'' Simon shakes his head. And then Izzy walks in, glamoured, but of course, Clary could see her.

''Hello'', she says. Simon turns around and sees Izzy stand there. ''Simon, what are you doing?'' she asks him, trying to get him to come with her. This wasn't the right time, or the right place. But he refuses to go as he turns back around to look at her. ''Do you remember when we met in first grade? During art class? Or how my mum made those gross mustard sandwiches? Or that we were once locked inside my mother's liquor cabinet? How I got bullied in tenth grade?'' Clary stares at him like she tries to remember. Her head moves to the side, stares deeply into his eyes. ''Elaine came to me and said her son, my best friend, died...'' She takes a step back.

Simon remembers all too well that he performed an Enchanto on his own mother to make her forget him. He had no other options at the time. Little did he know that she found Clary and told her that. She must've been devasted. Her memories of the Shadow World were effaced, but maybe not everything before that. But seeing as his mother told her that, she might believe it was true at the time. He couldn't risk having to Enchanto his mother again, so with pain in his heart, he forces a smile. ''He is. I was his friend and he told me about all those memories about the two of you. I just... had to come to you to tell you how much he loved you. And how much he always will, even when he's somewhere else.''

He had to hold back his tears. This hit too close to last year, when he told his mother he was dead. And now he was doing it again, only because she didn't remember him. Only from when his mother told her what he made her believe. ''He's watching over you, makes sure you're never gonna get hurt. He'll never stop protecting you, even in the afterlife. And once, you'll be reunited again. And he's waiting for you, no matter how long it takes.'' He gives her a quick hug. ''I had to give this from him.'' And without looking back at her, he leaves the gallery. Clary stares after him, confused. Izzy wants to say something, but thinks it's best not to and goes after Simon.

She finds him in the park, sitting on a bench. She sits down next to him. And without saying anything, he lies his head down onto her lap, crying silently. She runs her fingers through his hair, her other hand rubs his shoulder. Even she feels tears coming up, for she had hoped that she somehow would remember Simon. Or a fraction of their friendship. But it was a blank page, a chapter that needed to be rewritten.

To be continued...

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