Season 4: episode 2 ''A second chance'' (Part 1)

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Jace stands in front of the art gallery where he had been two days ago. It was time to go ask Clary out on a date. His manner was artificially bright and brittle as he tries to get the strength to open the door. 'Come on, you're Jace Herondale', he tells himself. Why is it so hard to just open that door, step inside and take her to the place he had in mind? But as he stands there, overthinking, he hears a soft voice behind him. Her voice. ''Jace, right?'' He turns around. She spoke the exact same sentence as two nights ago, but this time, she seemed to remember it even more. He nods with an even brighter smile than he had back then, moreover because the Angels hadn't erased her memories again.

''Hey'', he says softly, looking her up and down. She really looked good. He had seen her in the art gallery with bangs, but was too focused on the moment to really take in her beauty. But now, he could. And she was even more beautiful than ever. ''Was there something you came to ask?'' she asks, breaking the silence. He regains himself, shifts back to his original plan. ''Yes, I came to ask if you'd like to go for a drink.'' She does seem a little surprised by it, but nods. ''That sounds pleasant.'' He smiles as it went a lot easier than he had anticipated. He nods as he guides her towards a portal Magnus had created for him.

She stares at it. ''What's that?'' she asks. Jace wasn't gonna lie, that it did make his face falls a little. He had hoped that she'd remember it. But maybe the Angels only restored her memories of him, not so much of the Shadow World itself. She seemed a little hesitant by it. He extends his hand. ''Do you trust me?'' She stares deeply into his eyes, almost as if she memorises something. She shows a hint of pure remembrance. She then nods and takes his hand, to which he guides her through the portal.

When she opens her eyes, she suddenly stands in a big ice-skating hall. It's completely empty, and pretty cold. She hasn't dressed for it and trembles softly. Jace takes his leather jacket off and wraps it around her shoulders. She smiles softly. ''Thank you.'' She turns around as she takes in the beautiful view, then turns back to him. ''Why did you bring me here?'' He had hoped that she recognised the place, but she doesn't. He tries his best to hide the disheartened look on his face as he once again, offers his hand. ''You'll see'', is all he says when he guides her to the ice-skates rack.

He takes size six ice-skates and gives them to her. When she takes them, she looks at him, slightly confused, yet impressed. ''How did you manage to guess my size?'' He gives her a smile only Jace can give her, filled with love and adoration. ''I just know.'' She gives him a smile that sends chills down his spine. It has been so long since he last saw her smile like that. ''My mum used to take me ice-skating when I was younger. I can't even remember what happened to her.'' Her face falls a little, which makes Jace look down. The Angels even erased her memory of her mother's death. ''I keep thinking that she left me because she found art a waste of my time.''

Jace puts his hand on top of hers as she leans on the counter in front of the ice-skates rack, shaking his head. ''Your mother loved you and your art so much. She was so proud when you got into art school. You inherited it from her.'' Her eyes sparkle a little as he says that. ''You knew her?'' He nods. ''I did. And I know that she's every bit proud of you as I am.'' Shit, why did he say that? That sounds very stalkerish, considering she only 'knew' him for two days. But instead of looking grossed out, she smiles. Genuinely smiling.

But then her pupils dilate all of a sudden, making her stare at nothing. Jace stares at her, slightly worried. ''Clary?'' What if the Angels considered this moving too quickly? What if they sentenced her again because of his actions? She then looks back at him, her mouth slightly opened. She sees the concern in his eyes. ''Why are you looking at me like that?'' She didn't seem to be battered by his presence, so that was a good sign. ''Nothing, I just... You gazed out on me.'' She nods slowly. ''Yeah, I just feel like... I've been here before.'' She looks at the ice-skates in her hand. ''Wait, you can't even ice-skate, can you?'' Jace's face shows he's close to crying, close to breaking down from happiness. She remembers. He nods slowly. ''I was kinda hoping you could show me how it's done.'' The exact same words he told her about a year ago. She smiles at him and can't help but laugh. ''You don't need my help. You did pretty well last time I taught you.''

He walks away from behind the small counter and offers his hand once more. ''Then I better show you how well I still know what you taught me.'' She takes his hand with a cheerful smile and lets him guide her towards the ice itself. ''You're not gonna fall again, are you?'' she asks jokingly. He looks at her with nothing but love in his eyes. All sorts of emotions run through his brain and heart, yet he tries to stay calm and in the moment. He wanted to savour every second of this. ''You were six when it took you three tries to stand on your feet'', he tells her as they enter the ice. And that's when she gazes into his eyes like she remembers everything. All the love she felt for him, all the pain they went through. ''And you thought I was making fun of you before you fell...'' Her pupils dilate once more, another memory hits her.

When she regains her sight, her hand moves up to his cheek. ''I asked you if I could kiss it better...'' She looks into his eyes, like she has never done before. As their lips move closer to one another, a sudden alarm makes them both startled. She then backs away from him, as if she had forgotten about everything that just happened. Jace notices it and skates closer to her, but she seems apprehensive. ''Clary?'' She then skates away from him, leaves him behind with pain. He almost had her back. Was he back at square one once more? He sits down on the ice, defeated. And that's when he can't hold in the tears anymore, lets the newly surfaced despair loose.

To be continued...

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