1: (y/n)'s Best Friend (Lemon)

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Here we go! The first oneshot of the book!

Warning! As a lemon, there'll be sexual content in this oneshot, you've been warned! And what better way to start than with a particularly long oneshot...

Quirk: Shadow Manipulation

Requested byIcyThot_is_Mine

 Katsuki and I were next door neighbours, so we had grown up together and became close personal friends. I was the only one who control his behaviour and tell him off, and he had come to appreciate me as I did him. He was like a brother to me, he treated me like a sister, and was always very protective over me, particularly when it came to boys. Very few even dared flirt with me during middle school in fear of having their heads blown off, and I had to talk to him a few times about me being able to handle myself.

We were naturally excited when we got into UA, and thankfully Katsuki's brutal behaviour began to calm down without the need of me. He finally realised that there were people out there just as strong as him. One of those people was Shoto Todoroki, and I had to admit that the first time I saw him, despite him being unsociable, I couldn't help but find him attractive. He was definitely the most attractive in the class, and I was yet to see someone in the school who was better looking than him. All of the girls in the class agreed with me, and I couldn't help but fall for him as he began to open up and start to make friends.

Unfortunately for me, Katsuki seemed to hate Todoroki which was highly inconvenient for me. Todoroki and I talked a lot in class and in the common room of our dorm building, yet whenever Katsuki saw this his protective mode turned on and he'd either drag me away elsewhere or sit in between us, telling Todoroki to get lost. I'd always ended up apologising to Todoroki later on about Katsuki's behaviour when the latter wasn't around.

"No need to apologise, I guess boyfriends can be like that," he shrugged, looking at the floor and I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Katsuki's not my boyfriend!" I exclaimed quickly, desperate to tell him that that wasn't the case.

"He's not?" He looked up at me and I shook my head.

"No! He's more like a brother to me, that's why he gets so protective..." I mumbled. "I am sorry about him," I pouted, thinking about my irritating best friend who I did love, but in a platonic way. There was a slight pause between us, until he said something that made my jaw drop.

"If you're not in a relationship with him, then will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. I thought my heart had stopped as I simply stared at the most handsome guy in school, trying to register the fact that he had asked me to be his girlfriend. "Er... (y/n)?"

"Y-yes- yes!" I exclaimed, perhaps a little too excitedly.

"I'm glad," he said with a sweet smile that melted my heart.

"Me too," I assured him, my heart doing back flips.

- Timeskip -

I was sat in Shoto's room, currently hiding from my best friend, having told him I had gone on a walk to clear my head. He tried to insist that he came with me but I managed to convince him to stay at Heights Alliance, and instead of leaving towards town I creeped around the back of the building, Shoto sending me down a tower of ice for me to climb, then melting it once I had reached his room. The two of us were cuddling on his futon he had left out, soaking in the bliss of being in each others arms. I was still having difficulty comprehending the fact he was now my boyfriend and that I was currently cuddling up against him, but I was so happy that I would change a thing.

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