5: His Brother's Fan

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Note: In this oneshot, Dabi is a hero as opposed to a villain! His hero name is Dabi though so that there's no confusion.

Quirk: Bunny

Requested by: divergent_9888

 Shoto Todoroki and I had gotten together a month prior to him meeting my family for the first time, it being difficult since we lived in the dorms and were only allowed home during the weekends. As soon as my family met him they seemed to adore him and his politeness, but I knew him well enough to know he was only being polite because it was my family. It made me chuckle a little as his usual bluntness and sassy comments were kept at bay as we had dinner and my parents got to know him better.

The weekend after Shoto meeting my parents came, and he decided to take me to his home in order to meet his siblings. He made sure it was a day that his father wouldn't be home - he had told me that Endeavour was a good hero, but that Enji Todoroki was a horrible, abusive father. Hearing him say this admittedly made me nervous to meet him as I was sure I would do eventually, but hopefully trying to get his siblings to like me first would then help me when it came to his father.

Together Shoto and I walked back to his, and embarrassingly I was visibly shaking. "(y/n)?"

"Sorry, I'm just a little nervous," I admitted. Shoto just smiled.

"From the time I've spent with them, they seem like good people," Shoto said and my eyes widened.

"What do you mean?" I asked desperately.

"Well, my asshole of a father kept me away from them, saying I didn't need them and that I had to focus on beating All Might because he couldn't. I barely had a chance to play with them when I was young," Shoto said and I felt my heart ache a little.

"O-oh, I'm sorry to hear that Shoto," I said sadly.

"The past few months though I've managed to get to know them just as siblings would," he said with a smile that I reciprocated. I was still nervous however, and not for the reasons Shoto may suspect. I hadn't told him this about me yet, but he was likely to find out if a particular brother of his was home.

I might've not liked Endeavour for the way he treated Shoto, but his eldest brother Touya Todoroki, hero name Dabi, I adored. He was my favourite pro hero, and I was craving to meet him but now that I was Shoto's girlfriend I knew I had to try and keep my cool - I didn't want to embarrass myself after all. He was such an amazing hero, determined to get higher in the ranks but also it was his witty humour, his kindness to his fans and his attractive appearance that made me fall for him. I obviously couldn't admit it to Shoto, but my hero crush was his own brother.

A part of me wished he wasn't going to be there when we arrived at Shoto's house, in fear of making a fool of myself but another part of me obviously wanted to meet him. Shoto had no idea he was my favourite hero, and the last thing I wanted him to think was that I was with him so that I could meet my number one hero. That was part of the reason I was trembling, as I wanted to make a goo impression naturally, so I tried to steady my breathing as we approached the large traditional Japanese house.

I was amazed by the exterior, and the garden too was immaculate. Holding onto my hand tightly, Shoto slid open the front door and I could feel my stomach doing back flips. Thankfully as we entered, the hallway was empty so I quickly slipped into my pair of slippers I had tucked in my bag, then taking Shoto's hand again as he led me through the hall towards another sliding door which revealed a kitchen, where two people were sat at the island - one was a guy with white hair and the other was a woman with white hair and red streaks.

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