15: Love is True

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Warning! Angst coming up!

Quirk: Hydrokinesis

Requested bysxmplykloudy

 With the shopping bags clutched tightly in my hands I walked back to the apartment I shared with my boyfriend. I was the girlfriend of one of the most highly ranked heroes in todays society, but not only that he was one of the most popular, particularly with girls. Shoto never cared for any of that however, him only caring about the people he saves and the job he loves. As I wasn't a pro hero I had been naive to the pressure and complexities of being a hero, that was until I met Shoto through a mutual friend and the two of us began seeing each other. We had now been together for three years and were living in the same apartment, and he had told me multiple times that I was his rock. He always said about how happy he was knowing he'd come home from the office to see me cooking dinner, and about how our comforting cuddles always soothed him after a hard day at work.

Shoto made me incredibly happy, and the pair of us just worked well together. I had always wondered what it would be like to wear that classic white dress and walk down the isle, seeing a dressed up Shoto standing there on the alter, about to ask me to become Mrs Todoroki-

I was snapped from my thoughts when I heard a very sudden and loud explosion from up ahead, enough for me to drop my shopping bags in shock. A little further along the path I was on was a bank which now had a blasted hole in its front, the wall practically completely gone. The explosion had started a small fire in the building next door, and the rubble had blown so far that windows of the shops opposite had been smashed.

Four villains burst out of the bank, each carrying guns and bags full of cash. People around me were screaming and running away, however some of Shoto's heroism had rubbed off on me, and I knew that there'd be people trapped inside the bank who needed help.

The flames rose and the villains started firing their guns at witnesses around them, people taking cover behind cars just in time. I too managed to jump out of the way just in time, and in the distance I heard sirens heading in our direction. Just a second later however I saw what looked like green lightening, and a recognisable figure jumped straight past me with intense speed. 'Deku,' I thought, sighing in relief.

"The heroes are coming!" One of the villains shouted, and I watched through the car windows as Deku punched him right in the face merely seconds later. My heart warmed as the area turned cold, me knowing that that only meant one thing.

"Deku and Shoto!" One of the villains shouted loudly, my boyfriend sliding around the corner on his ice whilst flames were already erupting from his left side. I watched from the sidelines as the two of them took on the four villains, but the villains were stronger than I expected. Shoto and Deku were keeping them at bay however, and when I saw one of the bank workers attempting to stumble out and away from the situation I couldn't help but go to her aid.

"(y/n)?!" Shoto shouted when he saw me quickly rushing to my side.

"I'm fine, go help Deku!" I assured him.

"You have to get out of here, go home!" He shouted.

"I have to help-,"

"No babe, go home!" He shouted again after pushing us out of the way of an attack. "Go home and be safe!" He kissed me quickly before jumping back into the fight, aiding Deku once more. I wanted to comply with my boyfriends wishes but I looked back at the injured woman and knew she needed help.

"Sorry Shoto," I mumbled under my breath as I ran up to the woman. I jumped as gun shots went off, and I looked back but breathed in a sigh of relief when I saw my boyfriend and his friend were okay. I scrambled over the rubble towards the lady, as she seemed seconds away from unconsciousness.

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