37: The Victim

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Warning! This oneshot revolves around domestic abuse but there's no detailed descriptions of the actual abuse.

Quirk: Cat

Requested byghostii_xx

 Nervously I walked into work, hoping no-one would pay attention to the fact I was still wearing tights despite it being the height of summer. I had no choice but to wear them however, as my legs were littered with bruises and cuts dealt to me by my 'boyfriend', Ren Sakakibara.

When we had first gotten together two years ago I was head over heels in love with him and he was with me, the pair of us going out on dates and walking around hand in hand, smiling happily. Soon into our relationship he asked me to move in with him, a proposal I happily jumped at but after I'd moved all of my belongings in and had sold my flat, his persona began to change. He began to smoke more, drink more, gamble more and when he did all three he became unbearable to be around.

He'd push me around if he got too drunk, he'd punch me whenever his bet fell through and he'd burn his cigarettes on my skin. He had gotten so bad and abusive that I almost couldn't believe he was the adorable Ren I fell in love with two years ago, because he definitely wasn't that person now. I had tried to escape numerous times but nothing ever worked, he'd catch me and hurt me even more, claiming he wouldn't be held responsible for his actions if I tried to run away again. I was trapped in a prison - the only time I had away from him was when I was at work.

I adored my job. I had been the personal assistant of pro hero Shoto Todoroki for the past year now, unable to believe how lucky I was to get this job. According to my colleagues Shoto picked my application out of over a thousand others, so I was determined to keep the pro hero happy and to do a good job. He praised me often, and even bought me food and flowers to put on my desk. He was so kind to me that over the past few months, as Ren's abuse intensified I couldn't help but fall for Shoto.

My situation was a terribly inconvenient one to be in. Falling in love with your boss whilst being in an abusive relationship was not ideal, but I was determined not to let it interfere with my work. Unfortunately a few times the two have crossed paths, for example one night a few weeks ago Shoto drove me back to the flat as I had to work late and Ren beat me that night, claiming I was cheating on him with Shoto.

There had also been a few times when I'd come into work with bandages on my arms, or bruises I had forgotten to ice, Shoto always asking how I managed to get injured. Each time he asked I had to lie - I hated lying to him but I knew that if he found out, Ren would get incredibly angry and would probably hospitalise me if not worse.

Thankfully as I walked over to my desk I looked around and saw there was no one in the office yet. I let out a sigh of relief and immediately turned the fan on that sat at my desk, but jumped out of my skin when I heard a door open. I looked up to see it was the door to Shoto's office that had opened, and he was stood there with a coffee in his hands. "(y/n), you're in early," he pointed out the obvious and it was true, I left the flat before Ren had even woken up so that I didn't have to deal with him this morning.

"Er, yeah, just some things I need to do," I chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of my head but he looked at me suspiciously. I had a feeling he was suspicious about my life as I always avoided answering any questions to do with Ren or my injuries.

"Oh really? I hadn't realised," Shoto said nonchalantly, approaching me. "Why are you wearing tights? You know it's thirty degrees out there don't you."

"Y-yes, well - er-,"

"What's that?" He suddenly asked, pointing to my tricep. I turned to look and realised there was a deep purple bruise there making me panic slightly. "How did that happen?"

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