30: The Calmer Bakugou

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Note: Todoroki's in his third year, (y/n)'s in her first (of high school) and attends a different school.

Quirk: Acid

Requested byBella250202

 "Why're you even coming with me?" Katsuki, my older brother by two years, scoffed.

"Because Mina messaged me and told me I should come along too," I counteracted, folding my arms. Katsuki scoffed again and carried on walking a couple of paces ahead of me. The pair of us were on our way to meet a couple of his friends - which were now my friends too - at the arcade. Katsuki now lived in Heights Alliance with the class but today the school allowed them all to spend the day with their family at home, so the class decided to meet up at the arcade before they all had to go back to their dorm building. I had met Katsuki's friends when he was in first year, when me, mum and dad were helping to move all of his stuff into Heights Alliance.

They were all lovely, and I particularly got on with Mina who was incredibly playful and fun. She was the kind of person who'd get on with everyone, but I was friends with most of Katsuki's friends. There was one however that I had only met a couple of times but as soon as I saw him my heart melted.

His name was Shoto Todoroki, and I remembered first seeing him on tv whilst I watched the sports festival. I remembered thinking he was powerful but also incredibly intimidating, however when I met him in person at one of Katsuki's class outings that Mina had told me to come along to, I couldn't of been more wrong. He was gentle and kind, perhaps a little on the quiet side but he still spoke to me which flustered me even more. I hadn't noticed his heterochromatic eyes until we met in person, and they definitely suited him. He was gorgeous.

Since I had met him I had eagerly wanted to go to class outings with the rest of 1-A but I felt guilty inviting myself, like I'd be intruding, so I always waited politely for an invitation. Unlike my brother, I was polite.

When we got to the arcade we noticed that most of the class were already there, and Mina immediately came up and hugged me. "(y/n)!" She exclaimed excitedly, slinging her arm around me. "Alright, we're all here! Let's go!"

I spotted Todoroki standing with Midoriya, the latter trying to talk to him but the formers attention seemingly elsewhere. After a moment however I realised that it was me he was looking at, so immediately looked away feeling a little embarrassed. Mina annoyingly spotted this, and nudged my arm suggestively. I sent her a glare before she could say anything in front of Katsuki, but it wasn't as if my brother was oblivious.

The group and I headed into the arcade, splitting up and heading over to various machines and games. "Lets go play- oh, you know what, I think I'll got try to win a teddy on the claw machine with Tsuyu and Ochaco. Bye (y/n)!" Mina said, smirking and waving as she ran in the direction the two girls went. I furrowed my eyebrows, wondering what had gotten into her but a sudden tap on my shoulder distracted me. I turned and my eyes widened when I saw Todoroki standing there with an adorable small smile on his face.

"Fancy having a look 'round together?" He asked and a smile played at my lips.

"Yeah, yeah of course," I nodded happily.

"Where shall we waste our money first?" He asked and I couldn't help but laugh.

"The dance mats!" I saw that the dance mats were free, so before he could protest I dragged his hand towards them. He looked confused, glancing from the screen to the mat then back again. "You don't know how to use them?" I asked and he shrugged. "Don't worry, I'll teach you," I proceeded to show him by picking an easy song, but little did I know that my brother was watching on from a distance.

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