46: We're Forever Part One

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Warning! This is part one of two, the second part being a lemon. 

Note: This request was for me to write a Todoroki version of the two-shot I did with Bakugou called 'Rekindling Intimacy', so if you've read that then you'll see the similarities.

Quirk: Plant manipulation

Requested byCrispyConny

 "Shoto our children are turning two tomorrow!" I shouted at my husband as he was packing his suitcase. "Can't you at least stay and wait until morning?"

"No I can't! There's hero work that needs doing, you know how important that it!" Shoto retaliated, stuffing his clothes in and not bothering to fold them.

"I know it is Shoto but the twins will want their father with them tomorrow for their birthday! Do you not care at all?"

"Don't be stupid, of course I care! But I'm a hero and there's a mission tomorrow in Kyoto that I can't miss!" Shoto clenched his fists.

"You'll seriously regret missing their early birthdays when they grow up," I hissed and he rolled his eyes.

"Look, just because my children are turning two tomorrow doesn't mean crime stops!" He shouted. "I'm still a hero (y/n)!"

"And you're they're father! Can't you at least wait one more day? Go tomorrow evening when they're asleep for the night?" I asked desperately but he scoffed.

"You never understand! You're always shouting at me for doing my job. You don't know what the real world is like, you don't have to work because you can live off of your husbands wages, you know nothing about what a life as a hero is like! I'm leaving," Shoto stormed out of the bedroom whilst I remained rooted on the floor, hearing the front door open then slam shut again.

For the past couple of months we'd been having problems. We were fighting more and more, he seemed more interested in hero work than spending time with his children and we had started to loose our temper with each other very quickly. It was painful, borderline heartbreaking as I knew I still loved him but I doubted that he loved me.

I didn't care if he missed the occasional event due to his work but it seemed as though he was missing everything recently. He had missed last Christmas, my birthday, our wedding anniversary, the twins first steps and now their second birthday.

I collapsed on our large shared bed, his unnecessary words playing on repeat inside my mind. He was right, I didn't have a job anymore simply because we knew we could live off of Shoto's salary and I wanted to be able to raise our children to the best of my ability, meaning I'd be spending more time with them to teach them things. Me not having a job was an agreement we both came to, so him using it as an insult hurt. Despite his harsh jabs and cruel words I did still love him, I just doubted he felt the same about me. I wanted to at least try to fix our relationship but I wasn't sure how.

- Timeskip -

"Yay, happy birthday!" I smiled brightly at my two children as they excitedly jumped, flapping their arms about and seeing the pile of presents for them. "Come on then! Let's open some of them!" I had barely gotten any sleep last night but still had to put a smile one for our children. I didn't want to see either of them without a smile today, I wanted it to be a great birthday for them even though their father wouldn't be here to celebrate with them.

"Where's dada?" Mitsuha asked, Tomohito looking up at the word 'dada'.

"He's being a hero today," I smiled at my children, it masking the heartbreak I was feeling.

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