14: Speakerphone (Lemon)

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Warning! As a lemon, there's sexual content in this oneshot!

Quirk: Telekinesis

Requested byJaylaTodoroki

 I was walking back to my apartment after work one evening when my phone buzzed in my back pocket. I pulled my phone out and frowned when I saw that, once again, Ren had sent me a text. This had been happening multiple times everyday during the past fortnight, and it was a little worrying, but I hadn't replied to a single one of his messages. I had hoped that after a while of me seeing his messages but not replying to him that he'd understand I was no longer interested, especially after what he had done to me. I had moved on from the relationship we once had, and was now with someone far better than him.

Ren was my ex-boyfriend from a couple of months ago, when one afternoon I walked in on him having sex with another girl. I wasn't as hurt as I expected to be, I was simply angry, and I broke up with him there and then. After all, what's the point of being in a relationship if you're not going to stay loyal?

I ignored his begs and pleas as he ran after me, and I only answered his calls when he was harassing me too much to ignore. I made it blatantly clear to him that I didn't want to be with him, and that I didn't want to be associated with a lying cheater. Now however, months after we broke up he had started sending me messages again, and calling me often, seemingly desperate to see me. He was being uncomfortably intimate in the messages, calling me 'baby' and putting kisses at the end of each message, yet no matter how many times I had told him to stop he kept on trying to contact me.

I now had a new boyfriend however, Shoto Todoroki, and the last thing I wanted was for him to see these messages. I didn't know how he'd react to such messages, and I was falling in love with him so the last thing I wanted was anything to jeopardise our relationship. As I reached my flat I quickly put my phone away, unlocking the door and being met with the smell of Shoto's cooking. I had given him a key to my apartment, giving him free reign to come in whenever he wanted to. "Shoto, I'm back!" I called out and he immediately came from the kitchen into the hall, pulling me into a hug.

"Welcome home. Good day?" He asked lovingly and my heart swelled.

"Better now," I smiled, leaning in and kissing him passionately.

"Come on, foods almost done," he said, when we pulled apart, then taking my hand and dragging me through to the kitchen where he'd already laid the table. I smiled at his efforts as he placed the food in front of me, his cooking skills improving massively.

"Thanks for the food," I smiled at him, but in the back of my mind Ren's harassment still played. I was trying my best to ignore them, and to just enjoy a nice dinner with my boyfriend but it was difficult, especially as I felt another couple of buzzes in my pocket.

"(y/n), are you alright?" Shoto asked suddenly, catching me off-guard.

"Y-yes, I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" I spoke perhaps a little too quickly and unconvincingly, as he just raised an eyebrow at me. I sighed, knowing it was probably best if I told him now before Ren did something more, like come to my apartment. "O-okay... I told you about my ex-boyfriend, didn't I?"

"The one who cheated on you? Yeah," Shoto nodded and I sighed.

"Well... he's been messaging me..." I pulled out my phone and handed it to him, the one-sided conversation showing on the screen. Shoto's eyes sparked with anger as he scrolled through, seeing each and every message Ren had sent me over the past fortnight.

"Why didn't you tell me about this before? This is harassment," he said sternly and I gulped.

"I just thought that if I kept on ignoring him, he would leave it alone... he's not the type that would usually try hard," I said as Shoto continued to read the messages. "I've ignored him each time, and I've not answered any of his calls-,"

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