10: His Long Time Crush (Lemon)

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Quirk: Hydrokinesis

- Todoroki's POV -

It was around 22:00 when I felt myself begin to get a bit peckish, so I headed through the house towards the kitchen and that's when I heard it. Her distinct laugh through the door, and as I stepped into the room I saw her sat at the kotatsu, a bowl of noodles in front of her. Both she and my older brother Natsuo turned to look at me as I entered the kitchen, and my eyes glanced between the two before I turned away, in fear of my blush creeping up onto my cheeks and embarrassing me.

She was (y/n) (l/n), and I wasn't usually one for sappy romance but she had to be the prettiest girl I had ever seen. She was older than me, nineteen to be exact, and was studying for the same degree as my brother. They were best friends and practically joined at the hip; it definitely wasn't rare to see (y/n) in our home. Seeing them so close however did spark slight jealousy within me, despite the fact I knew they weren't together. I wasn't yet close enough to my brother to understand whether he had feelings for her, but I knew for a fact that I harboured some.

"Oh hey Shoto! How are you?" She asked brightly and I turned to face her again, trying not to let any hint of pink appear on my cheeks.

"Fine thanks," I said simply, starting to sieve through the cupboards to find anything to nibble on.

"Shoto, you're always so blunt," Natsuo said with a light laugh but I ignored him.

"What're you doing here so late?" I asked, avoiding eye contact with her.

"Oh, Natsuo and I were just finishing some work we had to do... but you're right actually, I should probably go, it's getting pretty late plus we have an early seminar tomorrow-,"

"Nah you can stay over," Natsuo said, glancing at me then her. She agreed to this offer and jealousy sparked deeper within me when Natsuo suggested she sleep in his room with her. I ended up childishly walking out of the kitchen without even getting what I had wanted.

- Timeskip - - (y/n)'s POV -

I was hoping more than anything that Endeavour wasn't home as I approached the Todoroki household with Natsuo's drunk form wrapped around me. We had had a fun night out, sure, but it was only 01:00 and he had already drunk way too much. Now, with his arm wrapped around my shoulders I hobbled down his driveway, attempting to carry his weight. "Natuo, I need the keys," I tried my best to get the message across but only slurs escaped his mouth.

"There," he mumbled, pointing to his pocket and I rolled my eyes. I tried to fish through his pockets in an effort to find them, the way in which I was holding him being incredibly awkward for me and if anyone were to see us in this state they would probably suspect something lewd.

"Natsuo, you need to at least try," I scowled at my best friend. I dreaded to think how much Endeavour would judge me if he saw me carrying his son in such a state. I almost had a heart attack when the front door slid open, but thankfully it wasn't the large and intimidating flame hero, it was Shoto standing there instead with wide-eyes. "H-hey," I said awkwardly, realising that the position his brother and I were in looked somewhat suggestive. "So he kind of got blackout drunk... I had to carry him all the way back from the bar," I said quickly, pulling my hand out of his pocket.

"Here," Shoto said, dragging his brothers other arm and using his strength, managed to pull him up quite easily. The two of us walked through the house towards Natsuo's room, finally able to get him on his futon which he had thankfully laid out before going to the bar. He laid there in a heap and I sighed of relief, standing up straight and feeling an aching in my shoulders. I didn't bother to change him out of his clothes and into his pyjamas as he seemed quite content in his normal clothes, given the fact he was already blacked out. I grabbed his bin just in case he needed it, and placed it beside him. "You look tired," Shoto spoke up and I glanced towards him to see him staring at me.

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