21: The Boss (Lemon)

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Warning! There's sexual content in this oneshot, you've been warned!

Quirk: Shadow Manipulation

Requested by12mmxoxo112

 "S-Shoto- you can't, we're at work!" I hissed to my boyfriend.

"I've locked the door, no one will come in," he whispered as he continued to kiss my neck, pressing me against his desk.

"That's not the point," I tried my hardest not to moan. "If I'm gone too long, people will get suspicious!"

"I'll say I had things I needed to discuss with you. Simple," he said as though he'd solved our problem. Just like he always did he persuaded me, the pleasure of his hands roaming my body helping.

Our problem was that Shoto Todoroki was my boss and I was one of his secretaries in his agency, but we fell for each other and are in love. We knew that everyone would judge us harshly if we were to come out as a couple and It wouldn't necessarily look good for his image either, if the media got ahold of the fact he was having sex with one of his secretaries; no doubt stories would form and things would get carried away. It pained the pair of us to keep it a secret though. All we wanted was to hug and kiss each other without having to look over our shoulder to make sure no one was watching.

- Flashback -

It was my first day at my new job of secretary at Shoto's Hero Agency. I previously had a job at Red Riot and Real Steel's agency, but I had to move cities and was lucky enough to land a job with one of the top ten heroes. I knew this day would be life-changing, but I didn't appreciate just how life-changing it'd be.

"You must be (y/n)!" A lady in a smart skirt and blazer approached me. "Welcome! My name's Meg Kataoka, feel free to call me Meg."

"Thank you Meg, I'm looking forward to working with everyone here," I said politely, bowing.

"I'll give you the tour," she said, directing me to some stairs. "So I hear Red Riot recommended you."

"I used to be his secretary back where I lived," I told her. "But this is definitely a whole new level."

"Shoto doesn't really care about formalities or anything, so you've got nothing to worry about," she laughed. We got on very well as she showed me the various rooms in the building, including the large gym. "And this is where you'll be working," she took me to a room a few floors up where there were four desks, three already occupied. "We all deal with specific things in regards of this agency. Kayano deals with villain activity, Tomohito works with the students and trainees that get apprenticeships here, I deal with written reports but you, you'll deal with Shoto personally. His office is through that door on the end, he's in, isn't he Kayano?" Meg asked the green-haired woman.

"Yeah, he said he was looking forward to meeting you (y/n)!" She said with a smile, making me flustered.

"Really?" I asked, admittedly surprised.

"Of course, you're his new personal secretary!" She beamed. Nerves flooded my body, as I hoped to make a good impression. Meg took me towards the big door leading to his office and knocked carefully.

"Come in," I heard Shoto's voice, sending chills down my spine. I had only seen him a couple of times whenever Red Riot and Real Steel had to go to hero conventions, but I was never close enough to him to get a proper look. Now however, as I entered his office, I was able to appreciate just how attractive he was.

MHA Shoto Todoroki X Reader Oneshots Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now