45: Competitive Partners (Lemon)

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Warning! This oneshot is a lemon meaning there'll be sexual content towards the end. Not only that but it's a little on the long side... whoops...

Quirk: None

Requested byOddly_here

 I had made history by being the very first person to ever be accepted into UA without a quirk. I had worked so hard, had trained everyday using Mirko's exercise regime to build up my physical strength as well as studying well into the evening to make sure I passed all the academic tests with flying colours. I refused to ever let the fact I was quirkless get me down, or prevent me from becoming a hero like I've always dreamed of being.

Having a quirk would have definitely made life easier for me, but I wasn't about to sit and wallow in self-pity. Not having a quirk meant I had to work harder to achieve my goals, which meant that when I did achieve them the sensation would feel even sweeter. Now I was stood amongst 1-A of the hero course, dressed in my UA tracksuit and trying desperately to hid the smile on my face.

Our very strict teacher, Mr Aizawa, had announced that whoever finished last in his Quirk Apprehension Test would be expelled from the school. I thought at first he was prejudice against quirkless people and expected him to look directly at me, but his attention instead turned to the boy with messy green hair. I rubbed my hands together, preparing myself for anything.

Thanks to Mirko's training regime I was incredibly fit and had the most dominating muscles out of all the girls in the class. I had to be strong to survive in a world without a quirk, and I was about to prove that just because you're quirkless doesn't mean you're weak.

The tests began with a 50 metre dash, me ending up fifth just behind the attractive Todoroki, Endeavours son. Everyone looked at me with surprise, something I was used to but it satisfied me every time. Next was the grip strength test, my final result being 150kg. This put me third on the leader board, and this time I was in front of Todoroki by 5kg.

Next was the standing long jump, and I knew I wasn't going to be too good at this. Everyone was using their quirks, all accept the green-haired guy, so they were all able to go quite fair. As the tests went on I pushed myself to the limit to prove I was worthy of a place at UA, and I noticed that my scores were always entangled with Todoroki's. I was either just above him or just below him.

When I looked over at him he seemed irritated, a constant frown on his face as he glared at me. 'Someone hates to loose,' I thought to myself. When the scores were tallied I ended up a place behind Todoroki which bugged me a little, but I was still proud as I was in the top five. People were congratulating me, saying they were surprised that a quirkless person could do so well but I knew I had what it took so I knew I'd do well.

Chills ran down my spine and I turned to see that Todoroki was still staring at me, a scowl on his face. It started to make me a little uncomfortable so I stepped away from him subtly, standing as fair away from him as possible without it being obvious. From the quirk apprehension test onwards, a rivalry began between us.

We got the same scores on exams and tests, on the physical exams, and it felt as though we were always trying to one-up each other. Academically I was always one place in front of him, and physically I was always one point behind him. Both seemed to irritate him, as it seemed as though he was angry that a quirkless nobody could be as good as him, who got in on recommendations.

He hadn't really made any friends here either, keeping to himself yet we still managed to develop this rivalry between us. At the sports festival we had battle against each other, me managing to get into the one to one fights much to everyones surprise. Annoyingly he beat me by using his ice to encase my body, and when he freed me I expected him to apologise but he just scowled. From that point I began to not like him, feeling as though he was not only competitive but quite rude.

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