36: Angel

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Note: I cried whilst writing this... so it's fair to say it's emotional...

Quirk: Telekinesis

Requested byJaylaTodoroki

 My mouth was dry as I put on my black dress. Shoto stood next to the chest of drawers in our shared bedroom, wearing his black suit and clutching something in his hand. "Mummy, I need help," our five year old, Tomohito, came into our bedroom attempting to button up the cuffs on his shirt.

"Here," I said sweetly, trying to hold back the tears for Shoto's sake. I crouched down to Tomohito's level, buttoning up his cuffs for him. He didn't really understand what was going on, he was too young to fully grasp it. Shoto and I were incredibly upset however, and I saw that what he was clutching was a photo of the two of them together when he was younger.

Last week, Rei Todoroki passed away due to a growing illness. It seemed as though she spent most of her life in hospital, first because of Endeavour and then because of this fierce illness. The past week had been immensely difficult as we thought she was on the mend, but the severity of the illness eventually took her. Shoto was distraught, naturally, and I too was incredibly upset. She was my second mother, she cared so much for me and I loved her with all my heart.

Shoto had stepped back from the hero scene for the past week, his grief almost becoming too much for him to handle. I had to comfort him every night but he still broke down which hurt my heart. Seeing him like this was difficult, but he knew I was there for him whenever he needed me. "Shoto, sweetheart," I spoke softly and gently approached him. He glanced up at me, tears in his eyes but they were yet to fall. I tried to smile and he immediately wrapped his arms around me.

"Dad?" Tomohito voiced, looking up at us slightly confused. He pulled away from me and knelt down to our son, picking him up and hugging him tightly.

"We should head to the temple," I whispered and Shoto nodded. In silence the three of us left, Shoto still carrying Tomohito. The temple was a short walk up a nearby hill so we decided not to take the car and instead walk through the trees leading up to our destination, something which Rei liked to do quite regularly.

It was a beautiful place, somewhere where she brought her four children when they were younger to pray. As we approached we saw many others lingering outside the temple, all dressed in black kimono's, dresses or suits. We spotted Shoto's siblings and approached them, Fuyumi crying on Natsuo's shoulder. "Shoto," Natsuo acknowledged and Fuyumi looked up to see her little brother, immediately wrapping her arms around him and Tomohito. I hugged Natsuo, the two of us close to crying.

"Where's dad?" Shoto asked.

"Inside. He, er, wanted a minute alone before the wake started," Natsuo said. We, plus Natsuo and Fuyumi's partners, led the crowd inside the temple where we saw Endeavour on his knees by Rei's shrine. We approached and I was surprised to see him trembling, his head in his hands. None of us knew what to say so we instead silently took our seats at the front, the rest of the guests sitting behind us.

After a few minutes the priest Shiota came in and Endeavour sat on the other side of Shoto, his eyes red. "Hello Mr Todoroki," he said in a gentle voice, approaching our row of seats. "Here, I'd like each of you to takes one of these," he handed Endeavour, Shoto, Fuyumi and Natsuo an incense stick. "We would like you to approach the shrine one at a time, offer a prayer to Mrs Todoroki and light your incense, then to place it in the holder just under her picture. If you wish to say a few words then you may do so."

We all nodded in understanding as the priest approached the alter, everyone then settling down. "Mummy, what did that man mean?" Tomohito asked, looking at the incense Shoto was carrying.

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