39: End of School Pool Party

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Quirk: bunny

Requested bysxmplykloudy

 The end of school pool party at Momo's mansion was only this weekend, and I was still yet to get myself a swimsuit. Having had difficulty learning to swim, I never actually owned one hence why my boyfriend, Shoto Todoroki, was now helping me shop for one.

I was born blind, therefore had lived life very differently in comparison to everyone I knew. Despite being blind I was still a capable person - I was able to walk without assistance, I was able to fight well thanks to my quirk but I had never warmed to swimming. Above water I could feel the vibrations in the earth, being able to then figure out my surroundings and positioning of my foes however in the water everything just became blurry. It was difficult to figure out my surroundings, therefore it was difficult to 'see'.

"Here, what about this one?" Shoto asked, handing me one of the many bikinis we were shopping for. I felt the bikini in my hands, it seemingly frilly with thin spaghetti straps tying round the back of the neck.

"Is it a nice colour?" I asked.

"I'd say so, it'd definitely suit you," Shoto said and I felt my cheeks heat up. "This is a nice one too," Shoto added, handing me another to let me feel it.

"Hm... I cannot decided, you choose," I said simply, it not really bothering me as to which I went for. "Whichever one you think would suit me better."

"This one," Shoto took the one from my right hand and I nodded, placing the other bikini down. We headed over to the tills to pay, and despite not needing an assistance whilst walking Shoto clung onto my hand tightly. I hugged his arm lovingly, glad to have such an amazing boyfriend.

He and I got together six months ago, but I had had feelings for him for a while. He was always so kind and caring, and he'd saved me form danger multiple times. He was so chivalrous and the girls had repeatedly told me how handsome he was, which satisfied me even more. I on the other hand had always been self conscious about my looks but when I was with him all of that self-consciousness seemed to vanish. He made me feel so comforted and good about myself that I couldn't help but fall in love with him, and he too showered me with affection. I was worried that he'd find me boring, or have difficulty dealing and understanding my disability but he was perfect.

We paid for the bikini and headed back to my hose to get ready for the party which was only this afternoon. Momo told us that there'd be food there, and I didn't doubt she was the queen of hosting parties so we decided to just get changed and head straight there.

We were up in my bedroom and I was getting changed into the bikini, Shoto tying it up around my back for me. When I turned to him I heard him growl making me furrow my eyebrows. "Shoto? Are you okay?"

"You shouldn't of gone for that bikini," he growled.

"You said it looked good!"

"Yeah, it looks too good, now all the guys will be staring at you," he scoffed and I couldn't help but smile.

"Aw are you getting defensive?" I chuckled, pinching his cheek.

"Maybe," he pouted and I pulled him in for a reassuring kiss.

"You're the one for me," I whispered and I felt his lips form a smile.

"I know. You're the one for me too," he whispered and we shared a heated kiss, trying not to get carried away in case we were late for the party. I slipped on a summery dress and grabbed my bag, the two of us heading to Momo's mansion hand in hand.

MHA Shoto Todoroki X Reader Oneshots Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now