48: Home Part One

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Warning! This is part one of two, the second part being a lemon.

Note: In this oneshot (y/n) will be from your home country, visiting Japan. If your home country is Japan or you currently live there I apologise, just imagine that you live elsewhere for the sake of this story. There's also no language barrier!

Quirk: carbon armour

 I breathed in deeply as I walked through Haneda airport, nerves filling my entire body. I was looking through the sea of people trying to find the one person with a small plaque that had my name on. When I finally spotted it I gripped my large suitcase tighter and approached the lady who was wearing a plain black suit, a black hat and sunglasses. "Atomic?" She asked and I nodded. "Welcome to Japan. Please, follow me," she said and I nodded again, following her out of the airport to a jet black car that was waiting for us outside.

"Excuse me, may I ask your name?" I asked carefully.

"Of course. My name is Irina Jelavić. Like you I am not from Japan, but I have made it my home. I can assure you you will enjoy your time here," she said, but I wasn't so sure.

My home country had had some tips that the lead crime family had been in contact with the Yakuza, which had seemingly reformed despite the downfall of one of their higher-ups, Overhaul. I had been briefed back in my home country that the Yakuza fell into decline after Overhaul's downfall, but it seemed as though they had reached out to the number one crime family of my country and now that they were working together they were regaining numbers and growing stronger. Japan had requested the assistance of one of my countries top heroes, and the government decided it was me that had to leave my family and friends behind to fly to a country I had never been before and knew little about.

"I'll be taking you straight to the Safety Office where you will meet with the commissioner and a number of other heroes. I myself am a member of the office," Irina informed as we drove through the streets of Tokyo, my eyes hypnotised by the intensity of the place.

When we arrived at the tall and intimidating building, Irina led me inside, there being many people in expensive looking suits running around frantically wafting sheets of paper in each others faces. "Here we are," she said as we reached a large oak door, but as soon as she opened it I felt intimidated.

In the middle of the white room was a large oval table, surrounded by many people in hero outfits. "Ah, Atomic I presume?" A man at the end of the table stood up, walking the distance and shaking my hand to welcome me. "My name is Karasuma, I'm the commissioner. I trust you had a good journey?"

"It was fine... thanks," I mumbled.

"We've saved you a seat, please," he pulled out the last empty chair which I sat in, it being between a handsome man with red and white hair, and another man who's face I couldn't see thanks to the hood of his long white cape. "Everyone, meet our recruit from (home/country), Atomic."

"'bout time the foreigner showed up," a man nearby scoffed, him having a yellow eye mask on and silver shoulder pads.

"Rock Lock, no need to be so abrupt," another younger man said, him having messy green hair.

"Pfft," the one called Rock Lock scoffed again. The commissioner began to speak about the mission at hand and I of course was paying attention, but half of my mind was still on home. I already missed it terribly, and had no idea how I was going to fit in with this crowd especially as they all knew each other and were used to each other. I was the outsider, the one no-one would want to work with, the one people would cast aside.

When the meeting was over Irina led me back to the car and drove me to an apartment which would act as a house for me over the next few months. As I entered the small and cold apartment with only the bare necessities in I couldn't help but want to get this mission wrapped up as quickly as possible just so I could be back home in my own comfy bed, instead of this scratchy futon laid in the middle of the sitting room.

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