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"She's blind, but she sees the future." Carlisle says as he looked at them. "Maybe her visions is what kept her blind. Is she your..."

"Mate? Yes." Jasper said. "She's different from humans. Her beauty is like that of a vampires and she has a gift."

"You said she was a seer." Jasper nodded. "When ever she is ready to meet us, I would like to talk to her."

Jasper nodded as he looked back out the window thinking of Katherine. She was different from humans. No scent. She also made him feel comfortable. Jasper decided to go talk to Katherine some more. "Jasper."


"Be happy with her."

Jasper nodded as he left to go to her.
Katherine sat in her room listening to her music as her aunt wasn't home. Jasper appeared making her smile. "Hello, Jasper." she said as he placed his hand beside her. "I'm surprised you decided to show up."

"I need to know more." He said. "I have never met a seer. What else do you know about us?"

"Rosalie will be a bitch, but she does have a reason, Edward will meet a clumsy human that attracts danger, Emmett will basically keep me close like you will, Esme will be the mother figure I have wanted and Carlisle the father figure."

Jasper smiled as he looked at her. "I just wished you could see what I look like."

"My life was always dark till I get a vision and then I see color. When you came, Jasper, I saw you. I don't need to see you to know what you look like because I've saw you once. You are very handsome Jasper Whitlock Hale and I can tell that you will keep me safe."

Jasper smiled as he grabbed her hand and left her feel of his face. Katherine smiled as she liked what he did for her. "I only wish you knew how beautiful you are."

Katherine smiled as she grabbed his hand. "I don't need to see myself to know what I look like. I know that I am beautiful."

Jasper smiled as he started telling her of his life. He could feel that she was comfortable and excited as she was learning more about him. She told him about her first vision of him was when she was 6 and she saw her parents death. Jasper hated that she saw that.

two hours into their talking, Katherine fell asleep on Jasper's chest and smiled. He held her close as she slept. "You are something special, Katherine and I can't wait to know you better."
The next day, Rosalie saw Jasper walking with Katherine. She was slightly worried about Katherine because Jasper hasn't been on their diet as long as the others. Katherine smiled as Jasper helped her. "Does he have control?"

"Yes." Edward said. "Jasper is getting to know Katherine better and I say we leave him alone. He needs that someone to love him and to reassure him that everything will be okay."

Katherine smiled as Jasper walked her to his class as he talked about the hobbies him and Emmett do. She learnt Edward uses his mind reading to cheat in games making her actually laugh. "I think we all should get to know Katherine before we judge her." Edward said. "She has Jasper calm."

They looked and nodded. They need to know Katherine before they start telling Jasper to stay away from them. "I think they forget who can see the future." She tells Jasper.

"What did you see?"

"Their wanting to know me better before they jump to conclusions about me." She tells him. "I already know what happens."

"And that would be."

"They'll like me."

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