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A week without Edward was enough for the Cullens. Katherine didn't care as she was ignoring it. The human was already suspicious and Katherine was blaming Edward's disappearance. Jasper sat down beside her making her smile. "I may not see, but I know when you are around."

"Edward's back."

"He'll see what he caused at school." Katherine says as she felt him grab her hand. "Jasper, I hope when I explain this that you don't think its too fast, but have you ever thought of us having..."

"Sex?" She nodded blushing as Jasper had her face him so he can kiss her. "I don't care when. As long as you are ready."

Katherine thought about it before she kissed him. She was ready. Jasper picked her up as he knew she was ready for him. He carried her to his room and laid her down. "Darlin'?"


"Are you absolutely sure?"


Jasper smiled as he kissed her. This blind beauty was all his and he would never ask for anyone better. Katherine Lockhart is perfect for him.
Now that Edward was back, Katherine was able to focus on school work without the feeling of someone watching her all the time. The only problem is that she couldn't keep her mind off of last nights moment. She lost her virginity to Jasper, the man she loves. Jasper saw his mate walking with Rosalie, but she was quiet. "Darlin', is something wrong?"

"No." She tells him. "I've been thinking about that vision I told you."

Jasper nodded as he wrapped his arms around her. "Ready to go eat?"

"Yes." She said as they walked towards the cafeteria. "Also, I enjoyed last night."

"I did too, Darlin'.'

Katherine felt eyes on her causing Jasper to bring her closer to him. The two ignored the stares as they sat down. Neither of them said a word as they tried. "Edward isn't in here, is he?"

"No." Emmett replies. "I say the four of us continue like always."

Katherine nodded as she didn't want to be at school. She ate as the others were wondering when they would be discover and all this because of Edward Cullen. The boy who left because of her scent. "Katherine, have you thought about going to prom?" Rosalie asked.

"No." She replies. "If Jasper doesn't want to go, I'm not forcing him to go.'

"Darlin', it's your choice. I don't care to go if you want to."

Katherine smiled. "I think staying home with you is good enough for me."
Jasper walked to Katherine's last class as he was able to leave early for her. The bell rang causing Jasper to walk in as everyone was walking by. "Katherine." She smiled as she stood up and grabbed her things. "Are you ready?"


Jasper wrapped his arm around Katherine as they walked out. They were discussing what they should do, but Jasper had a plan for prom night that was going to make Katherine happy. Even if she couldn't see the surprise. The sound of a car hit their ears as they walked out. "Jasper?"

"Tyler's van hit Bella's truck. She's fine, but Edward is in deep shit." Jasper tells her. "Let's head home."

"Bella will continue her search for answers, will she?"


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