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Katherine felt Jasper's arms wrap around her causing her to smile. "Ready for the day, darlin'?" He asked as she nodded. "You'll be there..."

"Jasper, don't think that you are something that I know you're not." She tells him. "I will be right there to remind you that you are strong and that you got this."

Jasper smiled as he kissed her. He didn't know what he would do if he had never met his wonderful of a mate. This girl was his life and he loved every bit of it. Katherine grabbed his hand as they walked out of her house as they walked out to his car. Jasper held her in and kissed her head before he got in the car and drove off.
School was nothing, but gossip about Bella Swan. Katherine shook her head at how some wondered if she would be part of the Cullens like Katherine, but Katherine doesn't know if Bella would be curious or not. She hasn't really seen anything beside her being with Edward. Jasper noticed she was quiet and kissed her head. "What's wrong, little lady?"

"Just thinking." She tells him. "The talk about Bella Swan is very interesting."

"How's that?"

"They wonder if she would be like me." She said. Jasper looked at her confused. "Taking an interest in you and the others."

"If we don't draw attention to ourselves, then she may not pay attention to us." Jasper tells her. "Now, how about I get you to lunch and we'll see how things go from there."

Katherine smiled as she liked that idea. Jasper held her close as they walked to meet with the others. Rosalie smiled as she saw her friend. "Has she had any visions today?"

"No." Katherine replies. "But I do know that Bella is literally the talk of the school. We have to do our best to not bring too much attention."

"She's right." Jasper says. "We have to do as Carlisle tells us."

Katherine smiled as he agreed with her. She felt Jasper wrap his arms around her as they walked out together. Bella noticed them and saw how Jasper looked at Katherine. She actually felt bad for Katherine, but no one knew why she was blind. Katherine heard Jasper growling making her grab his hand. "Don't." She tells him. "You don't need to attack someone because their talking about me. I'm fine. Their words never bothered me."


"Jasper, I love you." She tells him which made him smile.

"I love you, darlin'."
Bella walked over to Katherine as the blind girl stood with Jasper. "Excuse me?" Jasper pulled Katherine close. "I'm Bella Swan."

"Katherine Lockhart and the boy who has me is my boyfriend Jasper.'

Bella noticed how he nodded. "Can you tell me where Mr. Molina is?"

"Down the hall and the last door on the left." Katherine tells her.

Bella nodded as she walked away as she saw Mike and Eric. Jasper relaxed making Katherine smile as she turned around in his arms. "Her scent..."

"I know..."

Jasper held Katherine close as she was having her vision. He heard her sigh and looked at her. "Darlin'?"

"She's Edward's bloodsinger, Jasper." She said. "No matter what, Bella will be curious."

Jasper knew what she was saying. Bella was going to search for answers about them and that is putting his mate in danger. He didn't like the idea of someone harming Katherine, his blind beauty. Feeling a kiss on his cheek had him look  at her. "I will keep you safe from what may come."

"I know you will. Now, lets get this day over with."

"Yes, ma'am."

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