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Katherine woke up gasping as she saw something terrible happening to her. Jasper arrived from his hunt and ran to her. "What's wrong, love?" He asked her as she couldn't believe what she had saw. "Katherine?"

"I saw my future." She said crying as she hugged him. "I don't know what happens, but I saw myself dying."

Jasper held her tight. "No. I won't lose you." He tells her. "I will turn you before I lose you."

"That was how the vision ended. You bit me." Katherine said crying. "I heard a cry, but I don't know what that cry was."

Jasper held her as she cried. "I'm here, baby." He tells her. "You have nothing to worry about. Whatever you saw, I'll be right there and ready to turn you."

Katherine smiled as she knew he meant it. If something was to happen, he will be right there to turn her. Jasper kissed her head making her look up at the feel of his lips just to feel them on hers.
Jasper and Katherine's day seemed to be going good till lunch came. Katherine was at her locker when Bella walked over. "Hi." She heard. "Can I ask you a question?"

Katherine nodded as she knew why Bella was talking to her. "Is there something I can help you with?"

"I was wondering if Edward was here."

Jasper saw Katherine with Bella and walked over to her. "Edward got a call last night stating that someone from his birth mother's side has passed." She said. "So he left to go be with them for a bit, but I will let him know that you would like to speak to him."

"Thank you."

Katherine felt a hand on her shoulder making her smile. "Darlin', are you ready for lunch?"

"Yes I am." She said as she linked her arm with his as she shut her locker.

Bella watched the blind and the blonde walk away together and knew that Katherine had lied about Edward. She knew something was off about them and she was going to find out just what they are hiding. Jasper felt Katherine stop making him look at her. "Darlin'?"

"She's curious." Katherine tells him. "She knew I lied and now, she wants answers."

Jasper looked at her and sighed as that was the one thing that they didn't want. A human becoming suspicious. "This isn't your fault. You did the right thing, Kat." Jasper tells her as he had her look at him. "This is Edward's fault and I don't want to see you putting the blame on yourself for something you didn't know was going to happen. Eventually, this would have happened. We would have met someone like Bella. So now is better then later."

Katherine nodded and sighed as Jasper kissed her head. He was right and she knows it. This was going to happen eventually and meeting Bella may have changed somethings for them. "Can we go eat? I'm hungry."

"Of course, little lady."

Katherine shook her head not understanding why he calls her little lady, but she knew she would have to ask him later because she was hungry and wanted to eat. Jasper felt eyes on them and growled causing Katherine to touch his arms. "Ignore her." She tells him.

Bella watched them leave together. She saw how Katherine managed to calm him down and wondered why she would have to do. The more she watched the two, the more she needed to find answers. Katherine smiled as Jasper was telling her about what they should do after school. Neither of them knew what was going to happen next or that they would be watched till Edward comes backs.
Later that night, Jasper watched Katherine sketch. He looked at the sketch to see Bella was staring, but at who. "Who is she staring at?" Rosalie asked.

"Us." Katherine said. "She's going to take notes so she can figure out the truth about you all."

Just those words had the Cullens more on edge. Rosalie called Edward as Katherine hugged Jasper knowing that the vision she saw last year. There will be danger coming all because of Bella Swan.

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