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Jasper stood watching his mate wake up. Katherine started searching for something till she felt Jasper. "Hi."

"Hi." He says to her. "Do you remember what happened?" She nodded. "Before you meet our son, we need to hunt."

"Did you name him?"

"Not without you."

Katherine smiled as she already had his name picked put. "Lucas."


"Why not? I like the name."

Jasper smiled as he kissed her. "Lucas Hale is a perfect name."

Katherine smiled as she stood up and took his hand. Rosalie smiled as she looked at Lucas. "Lucas Hale, you are perfect just like your parents." She tells him as he slept. "Emmett?"


"I think we should talk about adopting a baby." She tells him. "I would like for us to talk about starting a family."

Edward stood in the room wondering why everything was changing. He thought everything was fine with Bella, but now that she is showing her true colors, he doesn't know what to believe.
In the woods, Jasper watched as Katherine fed off a deer. "I think when we leave, we're not coming back." He tells her. "Edward may have realized something since I heard him stand up for you."

Katherine sighed as she felt him behind her. "I know there is someone out there and she will be coming to Forks when Lucas is older. He meets his mate too as she has a little sibling." She tells him. 'Right now, his mate was just conceived as I saw, while in transition, the t-shirt that Edward's true mate has on."

"Really." He says as she nodded. "Well, I don't care if it's a boy or a girl for our son. I just want him happy like I am with you."

Katherine smiled as she kissed him. Edward appeared at the spot and cleared his throat causing the couple to look back at them. "Wherever you two go, I'm going with you. I want to know more about my true mate."

"Right now, she's ten." She tells him as she walked over to him. "She has red hair, green eyes, very supportive and has a back bone..."

Jasper shook his head as he followed them. He knew that this little vacation may strengthen their family. A fresh start.

I literally tried to make this longer, but couldn't think of anything. So, what do you think will happen next?

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