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Within the two weeks, Jasper was in overprotective mode when it came to his pregnant mate. Katherine didn't mind it though. "Darlin', would you like to join our family to play ball."

"Jasper, you know I don't care. Even though I'll be useless..."

"You're not useless, darlin." He tells her. "You're just my blind beauty."

Katherine smiled as she kissed him. She may be blind, but she knows just how much Jasper actually he loves her and their unborn child. The only issue is that Katherine has been seeing the nomads near. "Jasper?" She said as they pulled back.

"Yes, darlin."

"What about the nomads? I'm worried they'll smell me and Bella."

"You, no. Bella, yes." Jasper says. "You never had a scent."

"Just keep me safe."

"That's my job, darlin. And that will always be forever."
At the field, Jasper watched Katherine read her Braille. They were practicing as they waited for Bella. So far, Kat hasn't told them if the nomads would come to them or not. "Kat?"

"Yes, Rosalie."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah." She says. "Just Bella being here might be a mistake."

Rosalie put Jasper's hood over the blind beauty's head causing her to look up. "Kat, you are right, but we will always make sure that you are safe and same with that baby." Rosalie tells her. "You have my word."

Katherine nodded as she pulled Jasper's jacket closer to her as she was freezing. Jasper looked at her and smiled as he saw her bundled up under his jacket. Hearing Emmett's Jeep, Katherine stood up causing Carlisle to go to her. "Are you okay?"

"I'm uncomfortable and I feel a bit woozy." She tells him causing Jasper to go to her side.

"Darlin, are you sure you want to be here?"

"I'm not letting you miss out on this game that is starting now." She tells him. "Go enjoy yourself, I'm going to lay in the back of Emmett's Jeep and sleep."

Jasper picked her up causing Bella to watch them. She was hoping to talk to Katherine, but it looks like she's trying her best to avoid her. "Carlisle, have you tried giving her some animal blood to see if that helps with the sick feeling she keeps." 

"We can try, but let her rest and then we can try that out later."

Jasper nodded as he left the door opened. "If you have a vision, let me know and I'll be right here for you."

"I will, Jasper. I love you."

"I love you."
Katherine woke up with a gasp as she saw the nomads. "Jasper!"

"Darlin'!" He said running to the Jeep. "What did you see?"

"They're on their way. Edward won't have time to get Bella out of here."

Jasper pulled Katherine close to him as the three nomads came out of the woods. Katherine pulled his face to hers causing them to kiss. James looked to see the blonde with a beautiful girl, but he could tell that they were mates and were really close. When they went to go out to the field to join in, Katherine felt the wind blow. "It's a hunt now."

"You brought a snack."

"I have you, Katherine. I won't let anyone harm you and our baby."

Katherine nodded as she heard the Jeep leaving. Jasper picked Katherine up and left as the others followed. His mind was on protecting his family and that is what he was going to do.

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