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"Baby, you get some rest. I'll tell them that they will keep us out of it."

Katherine nodded as Jasper put his arms around her. "Jasper, I hope you know that I know just how much you love me and this baby. I don't have to see to know that."

"I love you, darlin'. I'll be right back."

Katherine nodded as she laid her head down on the pillow and closed her eyes. She knew what he was doing and she was grateful for him. They were not going to help even with Katherine's vision. Jasper looked back at her and smiled. "I'm protecting you and our baby."

"We're not putting Katherine and our baby in danger because you had to bring a human to a game of baseball."

"Isn't Katherine human?" Bella asked. "She should be coming too...."

"That's where you are wrong." Rosalie says. "She maybe human, but she never had a scent. So, you either listen to Jasper and leave them out or I will make sure James finds you and drains you dry."

Bella looked at Edward who wasn't saying anything as Jasper was doing something he was doing. Protecting what is his. "Bella, drop it and just go." Edward says. "We will protect you and Charlie."

Bella stared in shock as everyone was protecting Katherine more than her. That made her scoff and follow Edward as Jasper went back up to his room to lay with his pregnant mate.

Sorry for the short chapter.

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